Is it possible to convert instances on geometry nodes to separate objects?

I have this plane where I’ve distributed 3-4 types of objects (unique coral shapes) as instances on points, I was wondering if it is possible to separate those instances as objects while keeping their placement intact?

Some of them are touching each other, so I don’t think I’ll be able to separate them by converting into mesh and separating by loose parts. Any ideas on how to go about this?
Additional Information:
Below are the nodes I’ve used to make these objects.

Note: The objects which are being instanced are themselves made by instancing certain objects on curve points as below-

You meant outside of a geometry node tree ?

You can look for Make Instances Real operator, in the “F3” search menu.

Hum , did you tried ? even if they are touching, if they aren’t joined separate by loose part should work !

Once they are a mesh in edit mode you can hover the mouse over a point and press L. It will select everything (L)inked to that point. Its an easy way to see if you can select just one section if it is overlapping another section.

Hey, thank you for your answer. I tried both ways, and blender crashed.

  1. I used realize instances just before group output and selecting object, I selected convert to mesh and blender crashed.
  2. I used F3 > make instances real - blender crashed.

So I can’t confirm success yet, any ideas on how to not make it crash? I’ve checked the viewport settings and set the sampling to 10. And my system settings are as below:


  1. Use Apply in the GN modifier to convert the GN setup to standard mesh
    Apply GN


When I did that, the entire setup vanished. :frowning:

Hard to tell but it might be that your coral mesh are too dense, when the instance are realized it end up being too many geometry for the computer to handle.

Maybe start by replacing corals by simple mesh like cube , spheres just to make sure the technique to separate them works. And we actually solved your current problem.

Then if it works try to reduce the polycount of the original corals.
You can also manually duplicate your corals to an equivalent number of your final ones.
and watch computer memory.

If you manage to get twice duplicate as your GN setup it’s probably something else, but that might help you.

You can also send us the file so someone try to inspect it to see if something is wrong !

Good luck !

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With a Realize Instances node in the set up?
That is odd. It should work if the Realize Instances node is there.

Your scene is using Join nodes to combine instancing trees using Instances on Points nodes.

So, you can recreate your scene in a blank file by making several steps of conversion of instances into mesh.

Instead of one object joining 2 or 3 instancing trees, you can create 2 or 3 separated objects corresponding to 1 instancing tree each.
Only one Instances on Points node per object.

Then, you can make instances real by object, one by one.
That way, you will be able to decimate, simplify geometry of a part of scene, before making instances real for another part of scene.
By making instance real, part by part, you should avoid crashes.

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This makes sense because the objects I’m instancing are pretty dense and when I reduced the number of polygons, the render time reduced. Although it is still heavy and maybe not a good idea to convert to real mesh. So I figured a different way to achieve what I wanted. Thank you so much. :slight_smile:

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