Is it possible to customize the side panel, when you press N in the 3d view, in 2.92?

Like the title says I want to customize the side panel, mainly I want to remove some of the properties from add-ons that I got. A lot of it is import and export add-ons, but I only use it for that, not the side panel property stuff. I don’t want to get rid of the add-ons, as I do use them. I just want to clean up the side panel to make it easier to navigate.

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The best way so far is a free addon called simple tabs

Thanks, I’ll give it a look.

You might just try using the Workspace Filters which allows you to toggle on and off what add-ons are visible in the N-Panel … It is a bit of work… I just found that simple Tabs tended to vanish and/or quit while I was working…Blender 2.92 Beta

I heard about that but doesn’t it refresh every time you loud it up or does it save. For now, I’m playing with simple tabs and testing for any bugs.

Set what you want to hide in the Filters and also anything else you want ( like deleting the light and cube open or close the timeline etc…) Then save as your start-up…File>Defaults>Save Startup File…

Best if you have created a Config Folder in the Main Blender Folder of it’s installed location…Mine is " F:\Temp\Blender-2.92+\2.92\Config "

I forgot I could do that, ill give it a try after him done with simple tabs.

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