Is it possible to export Logic Nodes?

Hello everyone,

I’m currently working on a game in my spare time. I’ve decided to work on each individual game mechanic in its own blend file before putting everything together so I can fix any bugs that the mechanics may have with themselves before introducing them to each other. The problem is some of these game mechanics require massive logic node trees and I was wondering if there was a way to export them and import them into another blend file so I don’t have to remake the entire script.

I’ve poked around the addon and can’t find anything close to what I’m looking for. If it doesn’t exist then I’ll just have to plug and chug my way through it. Thanks in advance for any help. :slight_smile:

file -> append -> object you want in your game blend.(editable in your game blend)


file -> link -> object, the object get loaded from the blend, you can keep the mechanics sepparated. (editable in the current blend and not in your game blend)

Thank you so much. I now realize I could have been using this feature for many other things over the years. Oh well. You learn something new every day.