Is it possible to have two viewports with the same view orientation?

Basically what I’m trying to do is create two viewports that share the same orientation at all times, and that one of them can say have different overlays active, or be in local view while the other is not, but otherwise the perspective of the viewport “camera” remains the same.

The effect would be similar to locking a camera to the view in your active viewport, and just tapping NUMPAD-0 on the other viewport to lock it into “camera view”. This does basically exactly what I want, but the sole problem is that whenever I use the numpad to move to an orthographic (front/side/top) view in my active viewport, the camera lock is disabled until I manually move the view again (i.e., in my active viewport I do switch to the orthographic view but the second viewport remains where it was at the time I went into orthographic).

Is there any way to get the kind of thing I’m looking for, or am I asking the impossible?

You’ll need this addon:

Unfortunately not. In the comments of the video it says that syncing two viewports within the same workspace (which is what I want to do) isn’t supported by that addon.

…and the addon isn’t one the blendermarket anymore…

The only thing i can think of: add and make active another camera as “viewport camera” and then select camera view in both viewports… then rotating by RR or moving it by GG and zooming by GZZ… the viewport scan have different viewport shadings and different tabs on the n-panel selected…

do you mean like this?

view 3d synced

That seems to be the kind of thing I’m looking for, although that gif doesn’t show whether all viewports will go into an orthographic view together (which is the problem I had with the “lock camera/camera view” method).

ortho test

Yeah see - that solution comes halfway by keeping the orientation match, but it’s still only the active window that enters an orthographic view; the rest remain in perspective. Interesting that they won’t match the dolly (“zoom”) anymore when the active window is orthographic either.

Maybe what I want really is impossible after all.

even if your words aren’t exactly encouraging…

persp orotho 2

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Did i miss something ? Or…
…how long do we have to wait…
…until you finally share your knowledge… ?

Maybe someone can also add some ideas… Only seeing how it could look like is somekind of unprogressive now…

Or should we set the status of this thread to Normal

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why should i share something which he isn’t satisfied with? Makes less sense to me…sorry (if you mean me)

and also…it isn’t really in a state to be shared, it is still pretty hardcoded

…and the other thing is: sorry that i am so direct, but your text is pretty unfriendly to me. You cannot force someone to share his knowledge. This is still a site on a voluntary basis, or am i wrong? So i don’t get your comment except trying to be rude.

I always wonder if someone shows a possible solution for a question but doesn’t explain it and then someone else asks about how this is done why this could ever be rude ? There is even no force possible in asking…
I also proposed to continue this discussion to improve your “trick”… but you seem to be not interested in this…

What’s the sense behind showing something after someone ask for a solution and then not telling ??

(What’ the sense using / replying a discussion board / forum if someone is not interested in a discussion ?)

Of course you are free to show as many animated gif or videos you like…
And i’m free to not watching them anymore…

Happy blending.

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just because you don’t see any rude in your text doesn’t mean it isn’t. That’s just your opinion. But your answer tells me: discussion with you makes no sense at all and i won’t answer you to this or anywhere else anymore, because i have enough experience on such forums, just e.g. i am overall top 13 helper over all times on Blender Stack Exchange - so I do help a lot and i know people like you. That’s why i won’t answer you anymore, because that’s just a waste of my time. I am interested in helping nice people, i am not interested in discussion with…people like you.

The hostility on this thread seems unwarranted. Everybody take a deep breath, we’re all on the same team here :slight_smile:

@Blender_Fun1 , while you might not agree with @Okidoki ’s phrasing or mannerisms, they do have a point- it’s not particularly constructive to show a solution without adding details about how to implement this solution. The point of this thread is to answer a question, and so far that hasn’t been done

i have no solution yet. As i wrote - it is just hardcoded. And as long as i don’t have a solution, it is pretty senseless to present just a half or not even a solution because then the one who questions will say, that’s not what i want - and he is/will be right. I am too long part of these forums to not know what will follow. I am still working on it…but i am loosing the will to keep on working on it - to be honest.
And with the gifs i tried to find out what he wants and to ensure that i am on the right track. That’s all.

and i see it the same as you - the point is to answer - not to discuss.

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@josephhansen: and just to talk about my “experiences” with other forums: if you present a 98% of a solution to be quick or answer “something”, another one will come, take your idea, add the rest 2% and will get the right answer “click” and the reputation you would deserve. That’s what happens if you answer to quickly - but that’s - of course - my personal experience.

Well, this thread went a little sideways. :frowning:

@Blender_Fun1, before you spend any more effort on this: While I really do sincerely appreciate the effort you were willing to make, I maybe should clarify that I had wanted to know if this was natively possible in Blender - if there was perhaps some combination of already-existing settings that would achieve the effect I wanted. It was not my intention for anyone to set about scripting an entire addon just satisfy my minor want - certainly not a level of work that something like who gets proper crediting for a solution becomes a concern.

I’m content that the exact effect I was looking for isn’t really possible without a lot of effort. Thank you for trying.

This effect can be achieved quite easily. You need one camera, a hero object, and an instance of the object.

In both windows, activate the camera view and go to N > View > Lock: Camera to View. For example, in the right window, select the hero object and switch to Local View (/), while in the left window, select the hero instance and also switch to Local View (/).

Optionnaly you can rotate the instance in Object Mode by the desired angle around the Z-axis to view from a different angle (for sculpting purposes e.g.), and voilà!

In the left window, you can additionally disable Toggle Overlays, switch the display mode to Material Preview, etc.