Is it possible to maintain internal volume during impact using cloth physics?

I’m currently working on a cloth physics simulation where I’m dropping a ball with internal pressure enabled, aiming to behave similarly to a water balloon upon impact. My goal is for the ball to not just flatten out like a paper-thin pancake when it hits the surface but to realistically displace its internal pressure and expand parallel to the impact surface, akin to how a water balloon would spread out and then bounce back while maintaining its volume.

In my current setup, the ball completely compresses upon impact, which seems unrealistic for a closed container with internal pressure(water in this case, but air would still apply in all other cases). I’ve been experimenting with cloth physics in Blender, trying to replicate this motion, but I’m not quite there yet. I’m wondering if there’s a specific way to adjust the physics settings or if there’s an alternative approach within Blender to achieve this effect.

I suspect that Blender’s physics engine might not fully support this type of complex behavior yet, capturing the way a water balloon or similar object would react to an impact preserving volume. However, I’m reaching out to see if anyone has managed to simulate this kind of response accurately or has any tips on approaching this.

Try “Internal springs” or “Pressure” (use a high pressure value for this).

The example you’re seeing is with pressure. It’ll hit the ground without expanding outward and bounce back to its shape.

I dont know if blender is able to simulate this properly cause the forces like bending, stretching, etc are linear afaik.
You can try animate the parameters and increase pressure after impact.

In real there is water in a ballon, i dont think blender can simulate water in a cloth simulation properly and you have to do it with another software and import it in blender.