Is it possible to make this texture into a procedural one?

Well it looks like bricks, but im only looking for the texture.

in my setup it just needs to be procedural.

I tried using noise and musgrave but it didnt work as i hoped.

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:man_shrugging: Maybe?

… this was just a quick proof-of-concept done with noise and Voronoi textures and using regular math functions like sine, power, and sign. Just straight procedural sharer texture and cycles displacement. It does require a lot of subdivisions for the displacement to work so maybe not what you’re after? :thinking:

Good luck.


oh wow this looks great.

can you send me the file or just the node group?

No, sorry, if you want a ready-made solution then I would prefer if you posted a request on the Jobs board or if you got one on the Blender Market.

I would prefer to give you the tools you need so you can achieve that result on your own:

Link below with relevant math in the pic that follows for you to play with…

… needed to produce the modulation and stepping functionality for the bricks…

This is the core of the noise texture that gets modulated by the above (using UV coordinates):

Good luck


why did you use 2D in Noise?

UVs are 2d… You can make the Voronoi 2d also.

ok one more thing. what if i dont want it as bricks? what if i want this “texture” as a long continuous line?

so the bump thing in the middle? it runs horizontally, as long as i want it to go to. is that possible?

also what about an arch? will the texture follow an arch shape properly?

It is a lot easier to do since you don’t need the sign function to shift the phase:

Good luck.

and the arch?

If you don’t mind my asking…What kind of math is this and did you go to school to learn this? If so what kind of classes? I have been wondering this for a while with the sorts of stuff that people come up with.


same lol. i have zero idea what this even means

When doubting your ability to learn some math for CG say “Well, at least I don’t have to deal with Imaginary Numbers again”… Probably. At least I haven’t run into any yet.

I strongly recommend picking up some simple math course. There’s only so much people can help you with without some basic knowledge on your side.
Broadly speaking: Trigonometry, Vectors and Matrices will get you comfortable with some shading and modeling techniques. All should be covered in school courses sometime before Derivatives and Integrals topics (though I won’t blame anyone for not paying attention at the time).


The math used is basic Trigonometry… Sounds like you are implying that you do not go to school? Sorry to hear. There are plenty of free resources to teach you what you need to know online.

You can try Grant Anderson’s lockdown course on YT… specifically relevant is Ep.2.:

Also useful is Sam Bowman’s Procedural Texture series. You can see Piranha4D’s progress following that course.

There is no “arch” - it’s just the rooted Cos function (that is multiplied with the noise (i.e. its used to “modulate” the noise)). Please follow the Desmos link and experiment with what I’ve provided to make this clear.

:point_up_2: This is an understatement… :point_up_2:

Good luck.


I am not in school now.

That’s why I have been curious, because I am wondering what kind of class one would take. It sounds like basic college math.

For the texture to follow an arch shape you need to use UV coordinates.

You will have to mark some seems in edit mode and then select a face at the bottom of the arch.

Then select all the faces and the first face you selected should be a lighter orange colour (meaning it is the active face)

Now hit” U” and in the UV menu select reset. This will pile all the faces on top of each other in the UV editor.

Hit “U” again and select “follow active quads”. This will flatten out the arch in the UV’s so that the texture will follow the curve of the arch.

It should look like this:

You can then scale the UV’s to fit in the UV space and modify the aspect ratio. (This will work for any texture not just bricks.)


Hm, I suppose terminology here will depend on the country.
Where I come from this is all covered by the very basic school program. And since not going to school requires some unusual circumstances… it’s kind of rarely happens. To my knowledge what’s called “college” education happens in the last two (or so) grades when we supposed to learn stuff like Derivatives :person_shrugging: I heard in other countries colleges are more… advanced institutions?
And the more in-depth studies of the same things go into “university” curriculums.

The easy solution is either to search for some “math for beginners” courses (there are plenty of free ones) or google separate topics as you go.

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Don’t know what’s taught in college versus high school where you are. :wink:

Math useful for 3D modeling: trigonometry, geometry, linear algebra. Some basic physics in addition helps for animation, lighting, and game development.

I was experiencing lack of innate interest in math combined with lackadaisical, dry, boring teaching in school, hardly retain anything from those days, and have consequently had giant holes in my math knowledge. The best thing about education today is how much material is available – often for free – over the net. What’s even better is that people like me, who sometimes learn best when we have practical applications for what we learn, can often find somebody who’s working in our field of interest, who can explain it from that viewpoint.

There’s a bunch of math and physics available for game development (which is more than you’ll need for 3D modeling and animation, but it covers what you will need).

Before you undertake that, I highly recommend at least the first 3 episodes of Sam Bowman’s Procedural Nodes series that @zeroskilz mentioned, because he explains basic texture coordinate math with examples, and if you know enough math to understand that, it’ll be immediately useful.


I missed your response before. Yeah I have been looking at geometry nodes and procedural stuff for a while but I don’t even come close to getting it.

Yeah, I took some stuff in high school which sounds similar. Unfortunately it was a while ago, and I think the math is more oriented towards computer programming now.

I will look into those. I think I hijacked the thread, so I’m gonna keep quiet. Thanks for your response.

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