Is it possible to prevent an image sequence from animating for a 2D face rig?

This may just be a separate issue, but I’m trying to create a face rig using an image sequence like this video where each image is stored in the image sequence and just brought out using a driver on the Offset value.

The issue is that it’s having some trouble with actually animating it. I’ve followed the top comment on that video, but for some reason even though I only have the Frames value at 1 it goes to frame #2 in the sequence list when I play the animation, as shown here:

This is frame 0, which uses the right image according to the driver (frame 1 in the sequence):

However, on the next frames on the timeline, it shifts to frame 2 in the sequence even though there’s no movement in the driver, and the sequence is only marked as having 1 frame total:

Again, it stays on this frame in the sequence for the rest of the frames in the timeline.

I’m not sure if this is a glitch or just a weird quirk of using this method. If I need to change to a different method of 2D face rigging I’ll be up for it, but this feels like it should be simpler than the others I’ve seen.

If you want to show a single frame, use a start frame of 0, which is where it starts counting from.

That didn’t necessarily solve the problem, all it changes is that it makes frame 2 in the sequence happen throughout the entire thing instead of after frame 0 in the timeline. However, I guess since it made the frame it uses constant, I guess I can just set the limits of the driver bones lower to go back one frame, so it kind of is a solution? Will just deal with that for now.