is it Possible to remap keys During Grab or scale or rotate Tool the XYZ keys
im using a tablet and im having hardtime pressing Y or it is too far away from those 2 letter
iwant to change my current workflow
its either I rehotkey as ZXC
change Y TO C
or Directional keys
like Sketchup Style
i look at Hotkey editor but it seems that icant Find it
question is … is it Possible or does it exist
There is a limited way of doing this. Find the “main” (G,R,S) hotkey you wish to modify, for example Input->3D View->3D View (Global)->Translate. Unfold it. Inside you’ll find another subtree called “Transform Modal Map”. Unfold that too. At the bottom of it will be the Add New button. Press it, select the drop down value for the new key one of the “Orientation * axis” entries, and assign your key.
This won’t work exactly as the X/Y/Z keys in that it’ll use your selected transformation orientation directly (i.e. you won’t be able to press it once for Global and then press it again for selected orientation).
Just tried this on 2.74 and it now seems to work as expected. Rebinding Y to C will allow you to switch from global to local (or whatever you have applied in the transform orientation drop down menu) by pressing C again.
I found this thread while Googling the same thing, so figured I should provide an update for anyone else that might end up here as well.