Is it possible to set a custom origin rotation to be the "global" one too?

Hi. I am trying to create an “infinite” rotation of a wind turbine. The rotor is tilted by design.

So I had no other option than re-orienting the origin position to be aligned with the surface I shared.
Everything works, but X and Y are also affected when I key frame my Z axis (the only one I need to animate). Is there any way to get my new orientation as the “original” because this new position is my new 0,0,0?

I want to avoid animating three axes for a simulation that requires on-axis rotation only.

Thank you

Add a driver to the rotor and make an empty parent that you can snap easy on a face:

empty_and_driver.blend (95.5 KB)

I think there was a more straightforward approach in the end. I changed the Euler to be YXZ instead, then it does not calculate the other values.