Is it possible to tween on grease pencil?

I’ve been using Blender for the past year and there’s a lot I’m still rather unaware of. For example, I really wanna tween with different graphs on grease pencil (or where ever it is possible to on this software) but I’m having trouble looking for tutorials that help with my problem

When I’m talking about wanting to tween, I mean like this video for example:

I believe what you’re looking for is called “interpolation” in grease pencil, I think the keyboard shortcut is Shift E? I might be wrong, probably worth a Google

There are kind of two ways to go about this. If you’re looking to create Flash/Harmony style puppets, the process would mostly involve having several individual Grease Pencil objects for the parts (Head, Torso, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand, etc etc etc) and then assemble those different objects together either through parenting or with an armature.
Sketchy Squirrel is a youtube channel that has a lot of videos on this subject. Some of them are a few years old so you might catch some interface differences, but I don’t think you’ll see anything that’ll trip you up too bad:

The other way is what joeseph mentioned, using GP’s interpolation tools. This is what I prefer because you end up with this really powerful blend of rigged and hand-drawn animation, but the actual process is pretty esoteric, it doesn’t really work like any other software. Here’s a quick once-over about the process from Lukasz Rusinek, who’s got a bunch of really cool short-form GP stuff:

I’ve been using GP’s interpolator for a few years now and I love it, it’s completely changed how I work. I still haven’t seen a tutorial on using it that’s really gotten everything right yet, but if you’d like to learn more about it let me know, I’m always happy to hear myself talk, haha.


Interpolation per layer is a very powerful tool but for character animation you should use an armature. A good rule is to use one bone per stroke. A third way is with a lattice modifier ( one lattice per layer or vertex group) if you need shape keys .

When i started with Grease pencil 2d animation i looked for tutorials and they are very confusing, you have to create your own tricks. In the below simple example you can also see how to drive time offset modifier frame with a bone.