Is libLoad possible in UPBGE eevee?

I need help making a loading screen for my game. I have tried the libLoad code but it doesn’t work correctly.
Does the libload code work for upbge eevee. What can I use instead if it’s not working

We didn’t adapt libload code to have it working with 2.8.

Instead, we added 2 APIs:


To add an Object or a Collection during runtime, you can use the bpy API to append something from another .blend file, or load a mesh from a .obj file or any other files formats supported by Blender.

My first test file looks like that:

Async is not really possible for now.

Thank you for the answer :slight_smile:
But bad news for me :frowning:
" We didn’t adapt libload code to have it working with 2.8. "

Can I show another screen instead of the white screen at boot ?

No. It should be black in last upbge versions.

“It should be black in last upbge versions.” i’m using old version

I tried libLoad with asynchronous but it still doesn’t work correctly

I stop developing my game due to this deficiency :sob:

Blender 2.8 has a game engine??? Where do I find it?

Download UPBGE-0.3 Alpha builds

What you did is already great! Congrats.

Maybe there’s a python way with asyncio or threads to do the bpy.ops.wm.append operation, and lordloki already has a branch to do the bge part (kxscene.convertBlenderCollection) asynchronously ( I think this is a topic which interests lordloki then maybe something will be done related to asynchronous loading in the future.

“What you did is already great! Congrats.”
Thank you very much :blush:

at this moment i think we have a workaround until i find a way to make bpy.ops.wm.append asynchronous.

The workaround is using alembic import as is asynchronous (bpy.ops.wm.alembic_import) and after using asynchronous kxscene.convertBlenderCollection (i will commit it in the next days).

Although I have to test it.

hi master
thank you very much for your efforts

I’m looking forward to this topic

good day sir, is there any update to loading scenes asychronously yet?, and is there a way to do it perhaps with the nodes in UPBGE