Is pose space deformation possible in Blender?

I saw this video and similar tools in other software like this.

I’m wonder if something like this is possible within Blender. I know you can use shape keys but it would involve much more work to achieve a result that addon for another software makes look simple.
Being able to put a character in a pose (such as a elbow bend or shoulder up) and sculpt a deformation fix would be amazing. But I can hope.

Uh. Yep sort of. That add on is just sculpting a shape key. So, put your armature to display in edit mode with adjust edit cage to modifier in your armature modifier panel. Create your basis. Create your shape key. Pin your Shape key with the little pin. Enter sculpt mode. When you exit sculpt mode then unpin your shape key. Now you have your shape key that you sculpted. The driver you put on in overmorpher is automatic in that it puts a driver on point distances (very nice). You can put a driver on the bones. The difference is this add on does it for you in Max. You can always use a scripted expression to put on differences in angles or distance between two bones which is how many of the 3d max add ons work. With Blender you can have two driver variables and script the difference with a scripted expression. I think that you may be able to find something similar like Auto Rig Pro. But isn’t it more fun to do it yourself?

Well drivers are not very fun (for corrective shape keys especially), and scripted expression is something I’m not familiar with at all. What’s shown in the video is a very artistic way of doing it where I could just sculpt my fix on a character for example for many poses without having to worry about drivers.

That’s right, the base operation used by the “Comet Cartoons” plugin for Maya that let you use pose space deformation, is the dot product. How to do that mechanism in Blender is explained in here:

Say you spend 1 hour learning how to use that driver, it’s still worth it because you’ll never forget it.

Sorry RNavega I cant get this work there any changes un syntax with 2.80 ?

hi @negativecitizen, you’re right, that guide was for 2.79 only and so was outdated. I’ve updated it to serve 2.80 as well:

If you still have trouble getting this mechanism to work then drop a post in here.

sounds like a fun evening project to make a tool to automate a lot of this, and generalize it it for choosing whether we want to bind to a bone’s position, rotation or scale. i always make my drivers manually, and it strikes me as ridiculous i haven’t done this sooner :stuck_out_tongue:

I added a note to that guide explaining that since this driver just outputs the result of the dot product, its speed / rate of change is senoidal. This means that the shape key driven by it has this speed by default, as the source bone aims toward the reference/target bone.


If for some reason you need the speed to be linear, you can simply adjust the graph curve in the opposite way (fast beginnings, untouched middle). This makes the rate of change constant.

Depending on the corrective shape key that you’re using, you’ll have to adjust the curve in unusual ways anyway, like if you need it to trigger earlier than usual etc.
What matters is making the mesh look and behave great when animating, not what the graph curve looks like. This video has some theory in making corrective shape keys (in Maya):