Has anyone here done the Alive animation course by Pierrick Picaut. If so, is it worth the money? do you think that i would benifit. I looked at a reddit thread and they said that his voice might get annoying, but i really like his yt stuff so that would’nt be a problem. Here is an animation that I made, so you can get an idea where I’m at. Little stylized animation
Yes. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Cool thanks
Could you, if you don’t mind, list the reasons why you think I might benifit.
Because you have the rare and enviable privilege of being 14, which means your main responsibility is to learn new things and grow your skills, you don’t have any major bills, and you have much more free time to learn and grow than you will from the age of about 18-24. After that point, you’ll have more free time again (possibly), but you’ll also have major bills, and an $80 dollar animation course will not be something you can just casually consider, but something you’ll have to save up for.
Pierrick is also the best teacher I’ve found on the subject, at least for Blender specific animation, and $80 is a steal for a course like this. You’re getting essentially two college courses in the span of the Alive! course, which will cost you more like 5k, or maybe 40k, in college
Thank you. I will defintely take it into consideration.
When you finnish the course, do you get a certificate of completion?
+1, definite yes. Also a big thumbs up for the art of rigging. Even if you’re not into rigging, definitely worth taking a look.
Do you get a certificate?
I don’t believe so (I may be corrected, I didn’t get one) nor do I think these type of certificates are even in the slightest sense relevant. (coming from someone working in the industry 20+ years)
If they would be, every tutorial would give one, since it doesn’t cost anything. That’s just silly marketing, in my opinion.
Thanks. I didn’t think so. It’s just that my dad wanted to know before we decide to purchase it.
Ah, got you. I’m sure if you drop Pierrick an email he’d be more than happy to give you one.
A good reel will get you anywhere. Certificates not so much. I got heaps in programming from various tutorials but still struggling with mid level python.
Yep I agree. I want to be known for my animations, not my certificates.
I’ve been there, my parents were always suspicious of anything that’s not an accredited institution. It’s one of those industries though, a good school helps, but dedication and motivation can get you there just as well if you love what you’re doing.
Cool spinkick anim btw.
Thanks. As you can see it’s defintely not the best, which is exactly why I’m looking for the course. I think, knowing Pierrick and his level of attention to detail I’ll will get better.
Definitely, it’s the most comprehensive character animation course I’ve seen for Blender.
This philosophy extends to all aspects of life, my young friend.
Taking a course like the one you are asking about will benefit your learning journey in more ways than you can imagine. Provided you are passionate and diligent and willing to apply everything you learn (and fully understanding the why, rather than just pushing buttons) then you will be on the road to success, undoubtedly.
In many ways, learning a course like this on your own - which forces you to be self-reliant and solve problems you encounter along the way on your own - is far more beneficial than having your hand held and led through the steps at some sub-par ‘3D college’.
If animation is your passion then you have a bright future ahead. Keep learning. Keep practicing. And you will keep improving. And most of all, have fun and enjoy.
Quoted for agreement, his course is way above the kind that we usually see out there and the added benefit is the fact it is Blender-centric and there is no need to adopt another software in the process of learning.
I have got the course! thanks for answering my questions. I am starting right now.
Pierrick has a strong French accent, assuming you’re American it’s not the easiest accent to parse from an American background. Take the time to rewind and relisten if you don’t grasp something, it may slow you down a bit but it will also help you retain the info better