Is the blender Shop for real?

I ordered and paid for a downloadable product on the blender shop. I recieved an email saying order accepted, money taken but I can’t get a response from them and have not recieved a download link or any info?

Has anyone bought anything from them?

I’ve ordered the manual, texture cd, and downloadable PDF of the 2.0 manual, which I already had a hard copy of. I had a bit of trouble downloading the PDF, but I wrote to Ton ([email protected], I believe), and got the problem resolved within an hour or so.

Should not be any problems. I have ordered stuff in the past.

BTW, if you think you are having a problem, you should email Ton, or someone at to ensure that they did get your order.


I know they got the order because the money has gone. Does anyone know where the shop processing is done? I’m in the UK so wonder what the time difference is?
I’m a bit annoyed to be honest. I thought i’d support blender and am not happy that they have not contacted me other than to say the money has been taken. The whole point of on-line sales is that its conveinient and direct. I shouldn’t be chasing them to get my goods.
I have emailed ton and will see if he can help. Thanks for your advice :slight_smile:

Problem solved… Just spoke to friend who had the same problem.

When I log into my account and browse away to the page of the document it says ‘Download available when purchased’. I had to save the login cookie to stay logged in when going to that page so the download links appear.

Still miffed no-one got back to me by email though :frowning:

Sad to hear you have a bad experience with the e-shop.
How long did it take them to respond?
And did you use the response form or an email to eshop[at]blender3d[dot]org ?

It does make sense (to me) to state somewhere (on creating an account for example) that you needs coockies enabled to make the site work.