Is the blender web player reliable?

I’ve heard a lot about the blender web plugin, but I haven’t really seen any good examples. Can it be used to run a game like Yo Frankie! on a website? Or is it limited? Is it laggy?

That’s the kind of info I’m searching for.

Thanks a lot!

It worked fine for me (on a couple of demo blend files; a few didn’t work, I think). Although, I think not all BGE Python modules are supported by it, for whatever reason.

For smaller file sizes I haven’t seen a problem so far and webgames should be small sized anyway. You can easily create a nice looking textures of 10kb instead of 200kb, small details like that are important for keeping webgames small size.

I’ve thought about using offline data as well, such as textures and sound and link to the local files with your online game… I haven’t really tried that it is possible to link to local files or even coded local files and decode them and… so on. Is there anyone who has tried that because I would want to know if it is possible (and difficult?).

Take a Look on Burster plugin. It works with blend file like blender player
You can see an example on my website HERE
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