If I have a selection like this, is there any way I can deselect an edge and that also deselects all the connected edges, kind of like select linked but reverse? So that I can keep all the other selected areas, but do a “deselect linked” on one part of the selection.
This would be super useful for me doing UVs on hard-surface. Because then I could just do select all sharp > deselect certain areas quickly > mark seam > UVs done
You can select/deselect edge loops. The action stops at triangles, ngons, corners.
You can select/deselect shortest path. You need to define an active edge, first.
You can can create temporary vertex groups that can be deselected or reselected.
But there is no way to make a partial deselect linked, other than current possible limits (face orientation, material, seams, sharp edges, UV Islands) .
A deselect linked is done on everything that is linked.