Is there a node with “color input” and “vector input” and “color or fac output”?

I made a procedural pattern and a blur node,I dont know how to combine them together

You can plug a color output into a vector input socket or a vector output into a color input socket.
Color and Vector are arrays of 3 values ( RGB or XYZ ).
So R value will interpreted as X value. Or Y value will be interpreted as G value.

So, you can use a Mix Color node, a Vector Math node or a Mix Vector node.

Plugging them into a float or a shader socket is also allowed.

The question is not what node is allowing to do that, but what operation do you want to apply and result do you expect.

You said you made a blur node. In this case, the nodetree you draw is not the good one.
Expected solution would be to have an input in blur node, to obtain a simple line Color > Blur > Output.

Thank you for your reply, I couldn’t find a way to make Color > Blur > Output nodetree, this is my blur node group that i followed the tutorial,i dont know where i could put a color input

OK. You are following a tutorial that consists in blurring UVs to blur UVmap texture.
So, you end up with a set-up that is Blur > Texture > Output.
That is the classic one. I was not just sure, you had a blur from geometry nodes or an addon or a nodegroup from somebody else.

You just need a bigger scale for Noise texture, for making the noise to look like a blur.

But your blur set-up is already mixing vectors (UVs) with colors (Noise Texture) by using Mix Color nodes to output vectors (blurred UVs).

As @zeauro said according to “classic” approach:

In general any procedural pattern already uses somekind of vector input ( world, object uv coordibates )…

…so to set this fixed to UV in your blur node… may be bad design if this is not meant for a special purpose where you then do not want to change this… but it seems you want to…