What I’m trying to explains is, how to make it so that the mesh selected to be molded by the other shape.
Hi there!
An easy solution may be the shrink wrap modifier (destination mesh is your big one). However it may not look that good.
Another solution, I think, is turning on snapping, vertex type in edit mode and move it onto your big object:
Hope it helps
So, I’m a bit of a noob,so can you pls help by explaining snapping to me?
Hey, Wersab
You can do this simply by using a knife tool
Ok nvm, it’s working like it’s intended to be.
You mean, removing the circle and cutting the big blob.
I attached the video below
Tell me if it’s that what you meant.
Thanks for your time man, but I don’t have the mesh menu.
I guess it’s another problem.
Thanks Luca.
for mesh to be appearing you need to switch to edit mode by pressing TAB
- Point your circle on a mesh
- Convert your circle to a curve
- LMB on your circle, and, holding SHIFT button, click on a mesh
- Press TAB to go to edit mode
- Press L
- Choose Mesh - Knife Project
Restart your Blender or try this:
I’m so sorry but I’m afk now. It was just a hunch, but I’m happy if you got it work some way
You have to be in Orthographic mode…Usually set by hitting either the Num pad 3 or 1…( Side or Front) if the grid lines are still converging…hit the num pad 5 …then try the Knife-Project.
The knife project has changed a bit…
I do it like this…
1…in object mode select the object to be cut…
2…Enter edit mode ( orthographic view )
3…Hold Ctrl + left click on the cutter ( easier to do this in the outliner)
4…select KMesh > Knife Project and in the pop-up lower left…cut through, checked…or only cut surface…un-checked
NOTE: I turned the view to show the actual cut…the cut happens when you see every thing straight on!
Now then…
I take it you want the ears to be the same shape where they meet the head…
I would suggest a Boolean Join for this…it would be far better than trying to cut and stick together… I use Booltool ( included) UNION
and joined the ears to the cube…you can see it is a very nice merge to the shape …