Is there a tried and tested way to export FBX files for Unreal Engine from Blender?

I have exported a few 3D models from Blender at this point as FBX files and imported them into Unreal. The models mostly work in game, but there are oftentimes warnings about something called

“near zero bi-normals”
“no smoothing group information”

I get these warnings semi-consistently and I don’t know what I change in between different exports for them to occur. I’ve seen a lot of explanations on what options to pick in blender (like setting “smoothing” to “face”) and creating a nanite in Unreal, but I don’t really understand what these things do and what my desired minimal example case should be.

So I wanted to know what the default exporting options for an FBX file should be in Blender when I just want to create a static mesh in Unreal and nothing more, ergo the simplest case imaginable.

Perhaps if anyone would be so kind, could they translate these warnings into normalspeak?

This is how I do it currently:

  • Place the object on the world origin in Blender and align it (if symmetrical along an axis) aligned with either the x or y axis.
  • Export to FBX, don’t change anything except for the following:
    • Set smoothing to face
    • Only select Mesh in Object Types
    • Leave Apply Modifiers on
    • Deselect Bake Animation and Add Leaf Bones in the Armature and Animation tabs

Are there potential issues with this selection?

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as soon as I turn it on, I get an error
I open a new project, here’s an error, the lights need to be rebuilt…so that means ue+any other software=errors,
but nanite, but the lumen… is beautiful damn
well, I got to know some processes a little bit
I happen to be a blender, but my brother is a UE, so I had some opportunities to play in the wonderful chaos of UE
in general, to me it depends on what “occasion” you are exporting for
static mesh can be anything and can be imported
particles and similar things can be alembic
but the character is something else
To cut a long story short, there is no free addon that works.(to rig your charachter to ue vithout retarget bu*lshit 2h tutorial for ctrl+p fuck that …)
I don’t know about paid ones because I’m old and stingy
but one thing that is a revelation to me is the transfer vertex(that moment when ace ventura solves that thing with murder witness hearing through thick glass door jeaaaah…
so my characters are rigged with ue advance locomotive system(jeah baby) and i don’t have to do animations for them couse they glide like a glooooveww
hope this helps

Because the Unreal makers are also very interested that their engine is usable for blender users they give mutlitple informations about this…

Even an addon to send to unreal…