Is there a tutorial for BLENDER: LOOPFLOW with STILLIMAGE..?


i’m looking for similar the tutorial from AE:

other :

this technical is for AE, but i wish make it in BLENDER…

is there tutorial?

Can you be more specific? You can animate anything in Blender

hi, i have not idea how make with blender “loop flow”…instead you can do it in blender? show me how make it in blender…

This may help…

but did you see youtube link: there is water falling down… loop…that is from image still make it in animate (fake water but make it as loop…)

hi, this is different my question… so did you see youtube? see effect water falling down… make it as loop…see links youtube…

The technique does not seem to be extremely sophisticated. What’s sophisticated seems to be the automation and ease of use of the plugin. There is no functionality in Blender dedicated specifically for this and it will be more work to achieve similar result, but you can animate various geometry textured using the same image. In this case more manual work might also mean more precision, since the effect shown in the videos doesn’t look that good - you can see all sorts of unnatural weird blending there… So that’s probably a plus. But I do not think you will be able to find any detailed tutorials for this. I don’t think there are any. This is just too random. You cannot expect a tutorial for every single thing you can imagine… I also think it will require a fair amount of skill in many different areas of Blender, so we are probably talking about considerable amount of information one would need to learn in order to be able to achieve this.

yes, of course, that you said, so i think same you but i want to ask all you for to know the knowledge what is limit and what is illimited, comparison the TECHNICAL VFX example AE many users use it so that is not extremely sophisticated…so i’m curious for to know the knowledge…okay?

for this reason i try to ask here for to know who did make it similar tecnical or nothing… ok?

thank you for your reply