Is there a way to convert generated Texture Coordinates into UV coordinates?

Anybody know if there’s a way to convert the generated Texture Coordinates into UV coordinates?
I’m having great success using the image box mapping with Generated coords while modelling a building, but it’d be fantastic if I could output the resulting layouts as a UV.

Ideally this wouldn’t involve baking the outcome of the generated Texture Coordinates to the current UV or projection texture painting.

Hum, one of the issues is that UV are 2D coordinates, while generated are 3D.
And the box mapping use a little trick to fade between the axes (the blend) that will cause issues too.

Why you need do the conversion ? you need to export the mesh to another software , or you’d like to see the UV in the UV editor ?

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I guess Smart UV Project command in the unwrap menu produces similar results with Generated. Also, if you are familiar with scripting and vector math, you can try recreating the same UV mapping style using Geometry Nodes, since they count as modifier,so they can be applied or exported

@sozap - Ah, don’t worry too much about the blend value between axes, most of what I’m making (floors, walls, ceilings) will be orthagonal, squared away.

Yeah, ultimately I’d like to take the end result into Unity and UV maps seem like the smartest way to do so. I can probably do most of what I need to in Unity with ProBuilder, but honestly I’m very comfortable with Blender and it remains very flexible and reliable.

@DeckardX08 - Basically, this is a follow-up to this thread - I think MagicUVs might be better suited to this task than Smart UV Project, but I think I’d lose some of the flexibility I get with Custom Properties otherwise.

I’m currently looking into Geometry Nodes as a solution, but I thought I’d leave a thread here in case someone has any further ideas…!

I think it will be probably simpler to use box mapping / tri planar mapping inside Unity rather than trying to make your own exporter.
Or maybe try to unwrap it from every side. But anyway, it could be fun to recreate tri planar with nodes.

Sadly, I think you’re right. I’d love to get this workflow up and running in Blender, but for practical reasons I’m probably just gonna go ahead with Unity / ProBuilder.