Is there a way to convert generated Texture Coordinates into UV coordinates?

@sozap - Ah, don’t worry too much about the blend value between axes, most of what I’m making (floors, walls, ceilings) will be orthagonal, squared away.

Yeah, ultimately I’d like to take the end result into Unity and UV maps seem like the smartest way to do so. I can probably do most of what I need to in Unity with ProBuilder, but honestly I’m very comfortable with Blender and it remains very flexible and reliable.

@DeckardX08 - Basically, this is a follow-up to this thread - I think MagicUVs might be better suited to this task than Smart UV Project, but I think I’d lose some of the flexibility I get with Custom Properties otherwise.

I’m currently looking into Geometry Nodes as a solution, but I thought I’d leave a thread here in case someone has any further ideas…!