Is there a way to keep a line on the display once drawn

I have a little drawing game I am working on. I was just putting together a small line drawing system when I realized its probably not going to stay on the screen after being drawn. So i finish the code and sure enough it vanishes as soon as its made. So currently I have no idea how I am going to draw many of these based on user feedback. Any ideas on how to keep the line and draw more with one script?

Here is a video of the issue:

Here is the code:

import bge

own = bge.logic.getCurrentController().owner

#a slot
yax = float(own[‘y’])
xax = float(own[‘x’])
zax = float(own[‘z’])

#b slot
yax2 = float(own[‘y2’])
xax2 = float(own[‘x2’])
zax2 = float(own[‘z2’])

fromVec = [xax,yax,zax]
toVec = [xax2,yax2,zax2]
color = [0,0,0]

bge.render.drawLine(fromVec, toVec, color)

put the vectors per line into a list, then for loop trough it, and draw the line from the coords out of the list.

in’LineDrawer’ object

import bge

owner = bge.logic.getCurrentController().owner

if 'LineList' not in own:
    own['LineList'] = []

for entry in own['LineList']:
    bge.render.drawLine(entry[0],entry[1], entry[2])


own.scene.objecs[‘LineDrawer’][‘LineList’].append( [ end, start, color])

will place the line to be drawn