Is there a way to make 2.57 look like 2.49?

I was quite used to the super easy to use interface from 2.49, but now with the new one with lots of freaking stuff all around and everywhere I’m quite lost.
I kinda like know what some of the new things are for, but I don’t know were nothing of the old stuff ended up in…
so, is there any way to make the new interface look like 2.49?
also, is there a way to make selected vertices and faces appear pink and yellow like before? the new orange and orange combination makes my eyes hurt, and I feel its gonna be harder to see clearly any selections…
if it is not plausible, then where did the shapekeys menu(or tab or whatever) ended up?

In 2.57, choose File–>User Preferences…
Under the “Themes” tab you can change colors to your heart’s content.
Under the “System” tab you can uncheck the “Text Anti-Aliasing” box, which actually does a lot to give the 2.49 look and feel…

But really, for the way the app works, you’re going to have to get used to some new arrangements and new keystrokes. After you’ve slugged through one project, you’ll be comfortable with the new arrangement.

Shapekeys, by the way, are in the properties window – click on the button that looks like three vertices in a triangle shape.

oh, I see…
then I’m gonna have to relearn the interface…
but, which is the properties window? the one that comes out by pressing the n key?
its only that I don’t see any triangle-looking-vertices icon