For example I can make group node and put RGB into it and add this global color to all shaders I need, so in CYCLES I can use NODES for lights and use the same way to change colors globally,
BUT can not do it in EEVEE
Using drivers is a Nightmare, I didn’t found a way to simple add a driver to manipulate colors globally (lights all can be different, ALT+D does not work this way)
So what the idea: one object, one property - color, changing this color - changes every light I need.
Why are you using a LIGHT to change the color on the side of the truck?
Have you tried an emissive workflow?
You could select all the dots that represent the Lights ( or add a simple Plane or Filled Circle where the lights are, and either use the Emmisive slot of the Principled or just an emissive shader…
The side / edges of the truck has emissive shader, and truck have another lights I wanted to be the same color.
Well I don’t want to click every time on every light source in scene, I have big Icosphere (roof top) and by clicking on it I get an access to rig for global illumination for all the lights I included into the setting.
Because emissive shader does not work as I need. It does not cast shadows, does not work with volumetrics etc.
Only lights do, so, I soved it with drivers, but it wasn’t obvious and simple way, that’s tricky and I don’'t understand why I can’t just copy one color and paste as a driver to another, it was really annoying, because there is only way to use driver in light color socket - repeating process 3 times for every channel. There is no way to connect HSV for example.
If I would want to use cycles I wouldn’t ask. I need to use EEVEE, but problem is not EEVEE or CYCLES at all, problem is - I have no access to copy-paste drivers to color socket of lights, and I can not use nodes also for lights.
I found a way to use drivers, but it is very wierd way.