Is there a way to make pipes and tubes elastic ?

I am trying to create elastic cable with specific profile.
Now I can use CURVE modifier but in this case the length of the tube does not change dynamically.
It fits for static scene but for animation don’t.

Second way is to use “stretch to” constraint, but in this situation I can stretch it straight line only.
Combinig this both methods does not make any sense.

As I can understand I need to calculate a length of curve and bind it with scale of tube with drivers or etc.

Is there a simple way to create elastic pipes easy?

Any ideas?

Something like this maybe?

Sorry, didn’t you see this picture in my post?

Hook does not work with tubes only with smooth curves.

Does this help,you can use an array set to ‘Fit Curve’ plus the curve modifier

Чем BevelObject не подходит? Любой профиль по длинне curve будет

as indicated make your bevel curve the shape you want then it will follow the hooks anim

happy bl

А тем, что ты гофр не сделаешь и сложную трубу. Только гладкую. Тебе гифку-то видно?
It does not fit for my requirements.
This method you can use for smooth looking pipes only.
Not for corrugated, ribbed, wavy as I mentioned in my example.

Thank you. It may work. Unfortunately it does not make a pipe elactic but helps me to prevent making tube too long with overlaps

to get some elastic behavior then use a rig with bones !

hope it helps

happy bl

Curve has stretch and bounds clamp options

No, it does not work.

Thank you! That’s excactly what I need =)

Not only smooth )

Deform by Taper Object