Is there a way to see grid through the object not using transparency?

Nice try… but…I don’t have it either, i just downloaded after looking at your reply, and deleted it after i take the screenshot.


Thanks…I haven’t heard back yet but it looks like the mystery has an answer. It’s a quirk in a particular Blender 2.8 version.

Thanks for doing all that to check.


Not just 2.8, earlier versions were all like that.

this is 2.73

And you are telling me :wink: :

So this adventure of solving some mysteries… was fun… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Really… it’s kind of funny how much blender changed and some things i just do not remember… on the other hand i have no problems using my also installed 2.49 version…
Maybe it is even more funny when people complain about any changes at all ( or about too slow changes)

But then… it was never my hobby to complain:person_shrugging:
Oh noo… :exploding_head: … now reading @DNorman’s reply about 2.7…


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