Is there a way to smooth out Volume to Mesh geometry node?

I have a node network that is using a Mesh to Volume → Volume To Mesh conversion to merge and round out some shapes. While I like the overall shape of the result, it is very lumpy. Is there any way to smooth this out?

Using volumes:

Source mesh:

The blur attribute node is great for smoothing meshes like this!



REALLY smooth:

This isn’t as applicable in this case, but if you just want to remesh an object, after smoothing, you can also snap it back to the original surface:


Use Blender 4.0. There is a Mesh to sdf volume that gives good results


Where is the Blur Attribute node? It’s not listed in my add menu.

Take care that you use 3.5+

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How can I get this node in Blender 4.1.0?

You cant. Those SDF nodes and “mean filtrer” node was removed from entire “volume” patch.