Is there any way to use SVG File as an Image Texture inside Blender??? Any Plugin??
No, you have to render/convert the svg-vector-format into an image to load it as an image… (or import ist as vector an model with it).
There are a few threads kicking about on this - I too think it would be a useful option on occasion. There used to be an option a long time ago, but the development stopped and never went any further unfortunately.
The problem would be that a svg plugin has to:
- draw the pixels from the SVG in a predefined sized canvas (so you you can do this for yourself) or
- draw the pixels as inquired by the renderer (so it has to check the FULL svg vector discripion for EVERY pixel)
so i would just convert the svg to any png… you even can reconvert it to any higher resolution and rerender in blender…
Hi, Yep, I can see how it would be processor intensive, and certainly not useful for general rendering, but in some circumstances, there are a lot of benefits to having non pixelated textures. The alternative in some circumstances is to create incredibly large raster textures, which is also processor intensive.