Is there an other quality free picture hosting site?

Beside Photobucket. Any ideas are welcome!

doesn’t you web host give you any space?

netscape doesn’t seem to care about refferers also, but they are slow and unreliable

uh… alltaken’s?

seems pretty obvious to me.

this question have been asked soooo many times, maybe do a search before ? is by far the best

note that if you sign up you will be redirected to the sixmonkeys site, the gallery hub contains more than one site


can I use it for feature request / bug show on Blender or other related software( such as wink @

well i have traditionally let any blender related content be uploaded.

I.e. GUI concpets, screenshots, hand drawn art (as long as they are a blenderer)…

however if someone was uplaoding maya stuff, or just home photos then they wouldn’t really fit my intention.

my intention behind my part of the site (it may be similar or different for bobthevirus’ site) was to provide a “blender related gallery” that offered free uploading for blender users who needed space. This was to avoid places like Geocities.

if its blender related then its your call as to uplaoding it. i don’t personally check the gallery content unless its “out of the ordinary” i normally check by bandwidth use. so the odd image here or there that doesn’t fit in is no problem. but if one user only submits images not blender related then it might be an issue.
