Is there any development going on for BGE ?

I really like what you’re doing and thanks so much for developing the BGE.
I was asking if the BGE was too old because I feared that the hard work you put in the candy branch would be based on an “old” core and that one day or another, updating the core for more speed would break all the work that has been done before. But I’m glad to hear that the BGE is not too old and as SolarLune said, the Unreal Engine is not young either.

That’s a good point.

Angry Birds made 100$ million in 2011… For me it’s not too bad ^^. Ads in game don’t really make money on PC/Console which are lead by big AAA titles (that you pay once). But on Android/Iphone if there’s so many free games, it’s because they make much more money with ads than with a pay-once policy. BGE is largely capable of producing Android/Iphone-quality game, it’s just a matter of finishing the Opengl ES port.

Also what I love in the BGE is its full integration with Blender. So animation/modeling/scripting/etc… can all be done in the same software.This is unique to the BGE. However this is paradoxically a burden at the same time because the BGE interface is just a slight modification of Blender interface but not designed to be a game editor interface.

I think that I’d be a good idea to separate more visually the BGE interface from Blender itself. When we switch to “Blender game” in the top bar, it should load up a interface designed for game so it should remove all features that are not available or not relevant to game development. Blender should transform into a true Game Editor instead of just tweaking few panels. Why not, we could even switch to another skin (darker or lighter) to underline that you are now in the “Blender Game Editor”.
But anyway, I guess this is not a priority for the moment and we’d better concentrate on optimizing and getting new features for the moment.

These are all great ideas,(the “switch”)
it takes me about 1 minute to set up a new scene the way I like it,
this is a large waste of time in the long run, and there was a lot of trial and error to what modifiers work etc.

This is the PERFECT time in the industry to make a dent. Blender/BGE is unique because it’s all one package that be used across sides (Rendering a BGE animation for Blender). As for technology, coding is coding. C++ is ages old and it’s just been through tons of revisions. With OpenGL you are getting a cross platform game engine. Unity has the export to Linux feature, but using a native Linux engine, such as Blender is the perfect match. Right now OUYA and Tablets/phones (more so Tablet imo) are such BEGGING for content. Shading, rasturization, shadows, physics, texture maps, bump mapping, Shader Language…what else does any other game use that isn’t offered by Blender?

There are some good titles in the works and this site (blenderartists) banks on people helping eachother out, so a open project game could be possible. (in regards to someone saying that it’s time to make a game). I’ve touched paid products and free products and I think Blender/BGE has the best to offer. Not to mention it’s the largest chance for the indie crowd to show the world what is up.