Is there any Face constraint addon for edit mode like 3ds Max Edit Poly face constraint feature?

I cant seem to find any so I wonder how do you guys deal with this when doing hardsurfaces models with curvatures.

I don’t know what you are looking for but I don’t think you need addons for such stuff. I skipped through a Maya video when I googled (Face Constraint Maya) and you can do this either by hook modifier or surface deform. Depending on what you want in most cases hook modifier is better.

If you looking for real help please post what the function should do, or else it’s hard to help you right away, I would like to help but I don’t wanna research myself what you mean by face constraints. Still I hope this was what you are looking for.

nah its not that I was talking about. Its in the same category with Slide vertices and edges in Blender. In Max there is also face and normal constraint besides Edge constraint. Very useful when you dont want to ruin your curvature. Here is the video

I wonder how you guys deal with preserving your surface shape curvature when moving components around because vertex slide isnt enough in many cases. Recently there was a Set Flow addon It is finally here... EDGE FLOW (SET FLOW) for Blender ! (Benjamin Saunder) . I dont know how someone can do subd modeling without these as well.

This is called shearing in Blender. In edit mode press T for the tool panel and choose Shear. Be sure to be in Orthographic view (Numpad 5) and then left click and move mouse up and down to this, if you aren’t in Orthographic view there will be slight distortions. Hope this helps if not I can make a gif to show you.

The key with the 3ds max/Maya constraints (which have been requested here quite a few times from what I’ve seen) is that these maintain volume and they do it ‘inline’ on the mesh you’re working on. No need to e.g. set up a modifier and/or snap to another surface.
Edge slide in Blender is just one particular application of these constraints.

You can use them to move/rotate/scale any component selection across a surface, constrained to edges or faces. And if memory serves they work with soft selection/proportional editing too.

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I dont undesratnd that feature but I doubt is what I was asking for. Here another video to better show this. The face constraint is displayed at 1:05 in the video

@Kranos Did you end up finding an addon for normal/ edge/ face constraints?

Is nothing like that I’ve seen exactly. There’s a CAD movement addon that may help. But I still haven’t seen any proper edge constraint tool. But many people have been asking for it on right click select.

A dev just did some work the other day to improve vertex and edge slide snapping. But still doesn’t solve these kinds of operations.

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