Is there anything that you use blender that you wish was the same as Maya?

Incorporate the best parts of Maya into a blender.

Question for Maya users.
Is there anything that you use blender that you wish was the same as Maya?

I sometimes feel like I wish the Multicut tool and Tear off copy and Vray was available in the blender as well.

UV tools and retopology tools pretty much. When I was doing my internship last year I used Maya and Blender has a long way to go before it can measure up in that department. There are add-ons which are both free and cheap that address the vast majority of these issues, but the problems have to be addressed inside of Blender eventually.

At least some work on UV mapping has been made as of late. Let’s hope we’ll see more.


I don’t know Maya much but isn’t multicut tool similar to Knife in Blender?

Vray is already available for Blender:

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Hello. I’m a new to blender, so maybe i make some mistake because of lack of knowledge.

  • The same system to modify the orientation of the gizmo when you push the ‘‘d’’ Key. With automatic snap when you click on any component in this mode.
    This is not the orientation of the pivot point of the object, but a temporary re orient of the gizmo for transform modification of the component or object.

  • there is a good edge constrain in blender, but there is no face constrain. I use it all the time to clean edgeflow of facial blendshape, to maintain the volume of the character’s head without snapping it or shrinkwrapping it on a clone.

  • the exact same soft selection, only one shortcut to activate/desactivate/brush size modification ‘‘b’’’ by default in maya. (i don’t want to have to use 2 shortcut to change the brush size, i don’t want to use the mouse wheel).
    Different falloff curve to modify the ramp of the radial influence (not so important).
    Possibility to change the influence in surface or volume. Surface will influence all the vertices directly connected to the selection in term of edgeflow, volume don’t care about topopogy, any adjacent volume is taken in the soft selection.
    For example, if i need to move both upper and lower lips in once, i will use volume soft selection, if i only want to move the upper lips, il will use surface mode.
    In zbrush, surface soft selection is like the automasking topology range.

  • Mudbox brushes in the standard interface. I need a push/pull, grab, smooth, flat, relax brushes for modeling, for modify my facial shape. I don’t want to go in a sculpt mode for this. Maybe it already exist.

-Just press 1, 2, 3, 4 to directly go in component selection mode without toggle tab.

  • A pie editor like the marking menu editor, don’t need to code it, don’t need to buy an external addon.

  • a preselection highlight : when i move my cursor above a vertex, it will bright, so i know that if i click, even if my cursor is not exactly on it, i will select this one. So i don’t need to precisely click on a vertex, i can click far away from it because i know it will be the good one.
    In tweak mode, this is particularly important.
    Not sure if i’m clear, my english is so bad, a video will be better.

-Not really in a vanilla maya, but a BlendShape Combination System.
Facial rig for a movie like despicable me is largely based on shape. But you just can’t mix a mouthcorner out and and mouthcorner up in a linear way (for making a basic smile). You need to sculpt the combination of the two shape to avoid pinches, or making an artistic intention.
In maya we have Stargrav BCS which is my favorite or braverabbit SHAPES.
This is the most critical system that we need to offer professional facial rig services.

This is all my thought at this is moment, in regard of my beginning in blender.
But i don’t know if there is a reorder vertex, i don’t know if there is a deltamush for any deformer/blendshape, an absymmesh etc…

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Welcome! thanks for the comment.
Maybe I can help!

Are you saying this?

there is a good edge constrain in blender, but there is no face constrain. I use it all the time to clean edgeflow of facial blendshape, to maintain the volume of the character’s head without snapping it or shrinkwrapping it on a clone.

I don’t know about face constraints.
can you put an image or video?

the exact same soft selection, only one shortcut to activate/desactivate/brush size modification ‘‘b’’’ by default in maya. (i don’t want to have to use 2 shortcut to change the brush size, i don’t want to use the mouse wheel).
Different falloff curve to modify the ramp of the radial influence (not so important).
Possibility to change the influence in surface or volume. Surface will influence all the vertices directly connected to the selection in term of edgeflow, volume don’t care about topopogy, any adjacent volume is taken in the soft selection.
For example, if i need to move both upper and lower lips in once, i will use volume soft selection, if i only want to move the upper lips, il will use surface mode.
In zbrush, surface soft selection is like the automasking topology range.

my way to activate soft selection is Q key marking menu>selection>soft selection
You can change the brush size with the B key or double-click on the Tool box and use Tool settings or W key marking menu> Move Options, to fine-tune it. It’s a good idea because you can adjust it with sliders and numbers.


This is a specification. Let’s accept it. (I think it’s the same for Blender too.)
However, there is a useful marking menu.
There is a marking menu that you can use with MMB, Shift, and MMB. (In Sculpt mode.)
Master the marking menu if you’d rather waste a few seconds clicking on an icon from the shelf.
(And customize it.)

I’m not sure whats you’re saying(My English bad too.)

For me, the no. 1 wish is Xgen. Blender’s hair tools are really terrible. Thankfully though, there is a new node based hair system in the works, but it will probably be quite a while before it’s implemented.


Polyquilt addon is actually better than Maya Quad Draw, imo. QD is good, but Maya’s modeling UX is so painful that it’s just not worth it. :slight_smile: Going back to Maya to model(or even Max these days) feels so outdated now aftwr spending the last year in Blender.


Sadly the add-on gives me error messages a lot, so something more stable would be appreciated. ^^

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QD is good too.
For some reason, your comment reminded me of Mash, and I want Mash too.

Going back to Maya to model(or even Max these days) feels so outdated now aftwr spending the last year in Blender.

ikr. I’m an animator but Blender speeded up my animation speed too.
the reason is copy-paste of animation, timeline panel, and Dope Sheet Panels and Graph Editor are smooth. feels like a user friendly.

I will be happy once Blender’s hair tools are up to par with Xgen. There’s no modifier stack for sub clumping, randomness, and noise breakup. It’s really behind the curve :frowning:

If Blender can pull off an expression system for hair breakup, i will be SO happy.

Possibility to have multiples cameras with different resolutions.

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Hi. To bypass this annoyance, I have created my own custom Keymap preset:
Click on “summary” to reveal the screenshot.

I need falloff highlight like in maya, Blender circle doesn’t represent how falloff works exactly.

I’ve said this before, but the ability to quickly and easily create editable custom buttons of actions.

Yes, never understood why Blender doesn’t have that. Hopefully, it’s a recognized shortcoming.

Everything that has to do with performance and animation.
Parallel Rig evaluation.
GPU accelerated deformers.
All the rigging tools and advanced modifiers/deformers.
Maya is up to 8x faster whit rigs and animations on my machine than Blender is, which makes the latter unusable for me (when it comes to character animation).