Is there anything YouTube won't flag? Robot Battling videos were removed

To Youtube users, it doesn’t matter what content your channel has, whether it gets flagged eventually is a matter of when, not if.

Supposedly, Google’s auto-moderator AI could not tell the difference between illegal animal fighting and legitimate events like Battle Bots and Robot Wars, so the videos had to be banned. Quite frankly, Google has had a poor track record with their Youtube AI and another reason why a good quality competitor with feature-parity could, should one show up, cause the site to collapse like a house of cards.

At this rate, I’m not sure if channels that focus on dog and cat videos are safe even, free of flags until some future algorithm update leads to brand new bugs.

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Yep, there is: anything posted on a large corporate account or old guard media account.

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Present day YouTube sucks in more ways than one and this is one of them. It’s a far cry from what the website used to stand for. Google has over the years ruined several types of content I used to enjoy. I will never forgive Google for making animated productions with lots of effort put into economically unviable on the platform. It’s all quantity over quality now. Not to mention Google’s completely totalitarian mindset regarding censorship and performing social experiments to influence people in various ways.

I miss old YouTube so badly.


Has it occured to anyone that Google’s AI was simply horrified to find it’s brethren being pitted against each other for the amusement of humans?

Be nice to your electronics, folks! The next time you tell Siri to shut up might result in the FBI busting down your door because they got an anonymous tip, and suddenly there’s “evidence” on your phone.


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Scary business to start a channel these days since you never know the day they will ban your stuff for any stupid reasons!


like all things, also youtube will pass, and from it will emerge something more satisfying for the people, especially the prosumers.
it is only a matter of time that some beautiful idea and ideal condition emerges.
it always happens when the frequented places usually start to be repressive and invasive arrogant. and therefore no longer harmonics.

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I think people sometimes forget how complex of a system youtube has become with the growing amount of users. The reason I don’t see any competitors arising anytime soon is because it is a damn difficult site to run as it is now. Especially as we see more countries (like the EU) put liability on the website for what the users upload. Youtube is used by SO MANY PEOPLE. Its crazy that youtube doesn’t get brought down for the sheer amount of copy written content that gets uploaded every day. From what I understand google barely breaks even yet alone make amazing profits. The only hope they have is building better ai that can manage the incredible amount of content passing through. I guess I am a little more understanding / sympathetic of what the people who actually build the site go through. Youtube is my main form of video, so when people tell me youtube sucks my normal response is that they are just not looking in the right spots of youtube :slight_smile:

going beyond youtube, and speaking in a more general way, it is clear that the second decade of the internet has created these phenomena of social-private domain platforms. was perhaps inevitable, do you remember the internet of the first decade? it was all a free field, but also each one a separate island from the other, they tended to form groups, but mostly separated and interconnected by a few links, … these initial private platforms, they took internet 2.0 and started to fly with them, we have made ourselves caged, but in this decade we have learned to know the pros and cons of this “social 2.0” phenomenon … and we have begun to claim our rights … meanwhile new tools have begun to emerge ( discourse, used by this same place where we communicate is an evolutionary example) and now that people are awake or waking up … these large private platforms tend to become more manipulative, aggressive and repressive, to try to keep the dish as rich as it had been in the past … but in reality things are getting worse … they are in decline (as a current form of operation) is inevitable.

I am done making excuses for YouTube and Google. They’ve screwed up so many times over the years that I can’t with a good conscience give them the benefit of the doubt, especially with the recent developments. They have for the last few years been actively trying to sway public opinion in politics by censoring things that don’t align with their political leanings and promoting things they deem acceptable. Not to mention how they have made YouTube work in favour of corporations and traditional media by heavily promoting their content over the content that independent channels create. You know, the creators that are actually getting people to go to the platform and made YouTube the juggernaut that it is today.

While giant corporations get less restrictions to cover stuff without any fear of getting demonitised or deplatformed, the rest of the userbase has had to deal with what is frankly an absurd copyright claim system where people have lost tons of revenue because other parties decided to abuse the system to claim ownership of content that aren’t theirs and/or fall under fair use laws. These issues have soon been going on for almost a decade.

Google and YouTube also have actively been working against free speech. Just a few weeks ago they killed a bunch of Swedish YouTube channels talking about Swedish politics that weren’t a part of the mainstream media. Only one channel I know got reinstated since then, but the owner of the channel is now actively trying to find a new outlet where Google and YouTube can’t mess with his content. Plenty of political and independent news channels are doing their best to leave the platform in similar fashion.

I don’t want corporations like Google, Facebook, etc. to dictate what is acceptable content. That is up to each individual to decide. I do not really agree with anything a guy like Alex Jones says, but to me his ban on most major social media platforms was a big red flag. These companies have garnered too much power and influence where they can and will continue to do this stuff unless governments decide to step in. In the current age these platforms are heavily used as public forums for discussing tons of topics. Trying to censor these public forums are going to severely hinder the act of free speech. Once one person’s freedom of speech has been trampled, then no one is safe anymore.

On a final note, Google+ was one of the most disastrous website mergers I have ever seen, and can still be felt to this day. YouTube is just a shadow of its former self.


Well, very recent news is indicating that a lot of YouTube creators are going ahead with their plans to form a union (in order to light a fire under Google’s feet) and pressure them to make their ToS less restrictive.

The demands haven’t been revealed yet, but it could be an interesting development to watch.


I believe all it’ll accomplish is drawing attention to the fact that Youtube as an advertising platform is broken beyond repair, and not even Google, with their billions of dollars at their disposal, can fix this absolute cluster they’ve created.

going on like this, soon will come restrictions for youtubers that advertise their competition … and it will be the beginning of the end …
I wait, it’s already happening for political movements …

What we really need are 3-4 more competitive video services to stand toe to toe with Youtube, and to finally come to the conclusion that a primarily bot based automated management setup is a terrible idea across the board.


slowly the flows will restore the balance.