Is this $700 Billion gift to the banksters a sham?

The US Government is going to reward the International Banksters with a $700 Billion welfare cheque for screwing up their own business. I say let the Banksters rot. if Bansksters can’t run their own business, then they deserve what they get…their own ruin.:evilgrin:

And then I start thinking: where is the Government going to get this $700 Billion from? Hmmm…that’s easy, they will have to borrow the money from the same International Banksters they’re trying to save. It’s the perfect scam!

So when the Government buys this $700 Billion debt from the Banksters, then Government will collapse under it’s own debt and Martial Law introduced. Don’t believe me, both Bush and Obama are standing in front of American flags with gold trim. Gold trim=Fascism. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh dear…
You’ve oversimplified it.
Do you think that letting “the Banksters rot” wont effect you and everyone else? Like it or not, when Wall Street tumbles, it effects (just about) everyone. Read up on the great depression. You wouldn’t wish that on anyone, least of all yourself.

Something has to be done. It’s interesting that they’re resorting to what is effectively socialism in order to rescue the “free market” from itself.

Here’s hoping this thread doesn’t decend into yet another imbecilic flame war.

No. The money will come from taxes, guaranteed.

I hate money, power and politics so much.

Foolishness, with power, is one of the most destructive things.

Not only on the world. In the whole future solar system we may conquer, the galaxy, the whole universe.

Everything ha$ to be monneyyy-monneyy. $$$$$$. Stupid green paper with a stupid piramid with an eye, the “money god” printed on it. On the Bible, doing that to the real God is denied. The God printed there is the damned freakin’ Money God.
Why so many people are hungry? -> Stupid paper
Why can’t we freakin’ get to Mars if we already have technology to? -> Stupid paper, no $ 2 buy fuel material n food thing?
WHY is it to expensive to be able to not be all so (english has been degraded so much) natural disasters? CUZ peh require thousends of stupid paper 2 build stuf that resist erthkauke. Metallllllll is too expensive even if its the most ABUNDANT material on this planet. It’d be perfect to build homes, so they ain’t blown away by hurricanes or earthquakes.
Nooooooo, TOO $-PENSIV$.

I hate this freaking world.

Two years before, a child died every 8 seconds. Now it’s every 7…

But it seems to be the only way this freaking world can exist?

Last time the Fed responded by doing nothing. This time they’re doing what is, in my opinion, too much.

Ultimately it could still lead to the same place.

BTW, no person or government policy brought us out of the Great Depression, FDR’s reforms helped a little, but what really helped was a little event called World War 2. It spured our industrial and technological industry - bringing out new things like rocket and jet propulsion, “the bomb”, and computer technology.

So you better hope for another cold war.

B3d00: I stopped reading that when it stopped making sense:spin:.

No. The money will come from taxes, guaranteed.

This is unfortunately true. The tax payers are paying for America’s, no, the worlds mistakes (but mostly America’s:p).

The smart people in charge of things proved to be not so smart after all. Either that or they’re just too darned smart, if you know what I mean. Instead of taking the right steps to prevent something like this, they procrastinate, andthey try to put a band aid on hemorrhaging wound. Unless the problem is cut off at the source, IE the overall stupidity of humans/the refusal to admit something is wrong when it it’s more than evident, the problem will only get worse.

But Freen, the Banskters caused the Great Depression, they collapsed the market and repossessed everything. The Banksters planned the Great Depression years in advance. And they’re planning this one now.

The danger is if the Bansters get this $700 Billion, they’ll use it to push the price of Oil through the roof. The Oil scare of a couple of months ago was just a test run.

Money is not complicated, it’s very easy. They make it complicated on TV, coz they own the TV channels. That’s why they always over analyse things on the TV to confuse you. Plus the Banksters have been jerking the market up and down the last few months to confuse you. However, the Banksters have jerked it too much and you can now see a pattern.:stuck_out_tongue:

Superx10, I don’t think the US Government is that liquid. It will have to borrow the Banksters. What’s the end goal: It’s the Amero.

Sorry B3D00 money is a necessary evil. You can’t have good without evil, light without darkness, day without night.

But Freen, the Banskters caused the Great Depression, they collapsed the market and repossessed everything. The Banksters planned the Great Depression years in advance. And they’re planning this one now.

The cause, and the people who need to solve the problem are two different things.

How many products are sold for less than they cost to dispose of? A lot.

The capitalist system as it stands is a little flawed in regards to personal accountability, but its the system we live in, so we need to take the bad with the good.

I agree with everything except that statement. Why? Because I just feel that humans are making things more complicated than they need to.

Don’t think so. the 700bn is to ensure that inflation goes down, not up.

Money is not complicated, it’s very easy. They make it complicated on
TV, coz they own the TV channels. That’s why they always over analyse things on the TV to confuse you. Plus the Banksters have been jerking the market up and down the last few months to confuse you. However, the Banksters have jerked it too much and you can now see a pattern.:stuck_out_tongue:

no, economics is difficult, money is easy. on tv they discuss economics, not just money.

Superx10, I don’t think the US Government is that liquid. It will have to borrow the Banksters. What’s the end goal: It’s the Amero.

Sorry B3D00 money is a necessary evil. You can’t have good without evil, light without darkness, day without night.

hmm, let’s see how flippant/glib you can be about this sort of problem once you’re out of a job.

Flippant? Glib?


dan_hin I don’t mind that you disagree with me, we are all free to believe what we want, but if I can cheekily quote Jordan Maxwell “for he that would be deceived let him”. :smiley: If you want to see what I mean then see Jordan explain on what our rotten system is based on:

If I can add, the brotherhood always talk to each other with symbols. Like I said, when I see Bush, Obama or Maccain stand in front of a flag with a gold trim, I know that’s Admiralty law or the law of the sea. Which means the law of the sea has replaced the law of the land.

Alltaken, if the commerce is based on the law of water, which is based on Phoenician and Cainites merchant, but then if you look up the word Cainites and your stomach will turn. Which in my mind explains the lack of morality of Bohemian grove, the people at the very top don’t believe what you believe.

This whole event has just highlighted the hypocrisy of capitalism. When these banks were rolling in dough it was profits for the few share holders but its now the masses must share in the loss.

I would hardly be confident in anything the treasury said this $700 billion is hardly a silver bullet that will fix anything. consider the fact that the IMF thinks this whole banking mess is around the region of $1.3 trillion than consider that the banks have only written of about $500 billion.

Alright alright.
If this discussion is going to be generic and glassy eyed, I’ll add this:
Originally, money was supposed to be a reward for effort.
It was a way of simplifying trade so that people could specialise in a profession (baker, farmer, etc.), do something useful for their community and in return have their other needs provided by their community.

Where did it go wrong?
(hint: it had nothing to do with gold trimmed flags)
(Edit: I wrote this post before tyrant monkey’s comment appeared)


I’ve heard (and unfortunately seen) a lot from you - for example I watched that Youtube doc you were banging on about. Great rhetoric, but hardly balanced. Why on earth do you insist on clinging to symbolism? I’m sure it sounds good in your head, but it will never be a substitute for reality.

Modern capitalism is supposedly “contained chaos”, risk takers (stock brokers, hedge fund managers) are rewarded with ludicrous sums of money for something that a trained monkey could do. Disproportionate rewards create ill-advised behavioiur - such as providing sub-prime mortgages to people who had a high chance of never paying their loans back.

It’s basic human greed and short-sightedness to blame here, not shadowy corporations, banking cartels or prophesied naval influence.

I’m sick of this “grasping for straws” attitude that some people have on this forum. There is no big conspiracy.

If you have a problem with the way your country is being run, use your vote and your spending power. Don’t incite flame wars on artists forums for God’s sake, you’re either preaching to the converted or courting derision.

I’ll opt for the latter, thanks.

Markets go through boom and bust periods it pure economics you hardly need to grab at straws to explain it. This credit crunch has already destoryed Lehman brothers and Bear Sterns. It is the results of several events that added up and blow up in these banks faces. what got them into this mess was a desire to make money, during a low interest cycle the learnt money to people who if sense had previled they wouldn’t have leant money to. When the inflationary pressures increased it meant that national banks globally had to rise interest rates. Suddenly those highly indebted households who could barely keep the heads above water when the rates were low couldn’t do it. The banks who had learnt money or bought other banks debt were in trouble.

as to your first post regarding governments borrowing money from banks, I suggest you look up the term credit crunch. the problems as its stands is that banks have lost so much money that the are not lending to anyone and a mordern economy needs credit to function

Books? radio? magazines? newspapers?

Fight inflation by printing new money?

You must be kidding.

This world is not what you think it is, “not everything that is true needs necessarily to be divulged to all men”-second century Church Father, Clement of Alexandria(see John Allegro website >audio downloads>Dead Sea Scrolls>transcript>page 5).

What I’m saying is that, if you can’t read the symbolism then you deserve what you get. But then again you’re assuming that I have a conscience, that is true, that is why I’m telling you.:evilgrin: So my conscience won’t betray me.

Where to start, ok, Tyrant Monkey you’re from Africa: don’t you think it odd that during the food crisis of a couple of months back Africans were forced to eat Spaghetti because the price of wheat went through the roof, and therefore Africans could no longer afford bread. Yet think about it Tyrant Monkey, what is bread made of: Wheat. What is Spaghetti made of: Wheat. See what I meant Bankers are not that smart. It’s all a lie. Ha, ha, ha. :evilgrin: