Is this a bug or feature ? Trying out "Parent Keep transform without inverse" on scaled objects


1.Make 2Cubes “Cube A” and “Cube B” Scale, Rotate ,Translate Both Cubes Randomly.
2.Parent Cube B to Cube A using “Parent Keep transform without inverse”.
3.Select Both Cube alt+g , alt+r ,alt+s
4. You will see the Child Cube Scale won’t inherit or match its Parent ,even with their Scale all at 1.

(but if you use Parent without inverse to do this , Child Cube Scale will inherit ant match its Parent )

Is this “Parent Keep transform without inverse” function Doing what it suppose to do?
My thoughts are that the scale should function like how " Parent without inverse" does, when I reset the scale of child object.
Does any one has a clue ?

Below are Gif example for having better thought of what I am trying to explain

Parent Keep transform without inverse
Parent Keep transform without inverse

Parent without inverse

I must admit that you lost me :slight_smile:
Can you make a few screenshot of what result you get and what is the result you expect ?

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I don’t get the point about Alt-S and…

i made the brown CubeB double sized and put them near each other (forgot to include the original… looked almost like top right) and also applied location to not reset them all into 0,0,0…

So the keep transform didn’t reposition CubeB on the position of CubeA… but on the right…apply scale

worked as expected…

( maybe i made a misstake… not very concentrated on this… )

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Sorry that my initial post is having you confused. :sweat_smile:
I have edited the initial post and added gif for better explaintion :grinning:

Video Updated ! :v:
The result I was expecting is that it should work like Parent without inverse when having alt s
on both cube :thinking:

Bug confirmed

Be cautious while rigging, this Bug also exist in LTS 3.3

If project is running on this function, current “Parent Keep transform without inverse” might have an animation forward compatibility issue.
Since transform Key frames are recording the info in Transform panel, not the actual world scale.

Before the bug is solved this addon might be useful instead of using “Parent Keep transform without inverse”