Is this a bug..?

hey all, I was fiddling with dupliFrames and was attempting to make a flower-type-of-thing but this is what I got on rendering…
I assume that it’s because I rotated the ‘petal’ 360 degrees, so the last petal lies directly on top of the first one and that this is screwing the shading up…

Is there any way to avoid this other than working out how many degrees less I should rotate? (okay, it wouldn’t be difficult to do that, but still!) Also, I read a very outdated tutorial and saw that there was a “make duplis real” function, or something to that effect and I, uhm, havn’t been able to find it!! If I could make them real I could just say remove doubles and merge the two…

Any help/ tips greatly appreciated!

To make “real” the dupliverted objects just hit Ctrl + Shift + A and select “make duply objects real” option in the popup. Making that the mesh remains the same until you press “U” and choose “Make Single user”.

Aha thanks alot! I also figured that if I limit the number of frames used then I can also avoid the duplicate… (ie. in this case limiting it to 8 frames, instead of the default 250)