Is this an invasion or what?

Just now February 26, 2013, 23:24:02
“There are currently 973 users online. 111 members and 862 guests”

They win us by 8 to 1. We are without hope if they decide to attack!!!

Must be, and they are still amassing the troops:
“There are currently 1303 users online. 121 members and 1182 guests”

I’m suspecting an eventual DDoS. :yes:

It’s a conspiracy, Tony. (line from “Dream Team”) :slight_smile:


cackles insanely

My plan.

" they call it a low frustration tolerance…" line from dream team. What Michael Keyton says just before he thrashes a rude guy.
I joined BA before i knew what it was about. I saw support for Blender and needed to ask questions.

Welcome guest! is a nice place to stay :smiley:

And today is 9 to 1. All Autodesk workers must be here today!
We are stronger together…

There are a lot of extra-forumestrials lurking.:eek: I hope they didn’t bring probes.:frowning: