Is This Good Topology?

I’m new to blender and I’ve been doing character models but I’m sure if the way I’m doing it is efficient, My models never turn out high quality I need some tips on how to make high polygon models and how to have a better work flow.


[ATTACH=CONFIG]389333[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]389334[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]389335[/ATTACH]Hi, I’m working on this model and I’m new to blender I followed some tutorials and decided to do one myself, but I’m not sure if it’s good or not and if I’m doing it efficiently, I also don’t understand what makes good topology and how it will affect the model. Also I need tips on how to make it high poly, should I more vertex, edges, faces to make it high poly , when I do it turns into a mess when I add a subdivision modifier and smooth it out.


Topology/model structure is good when it fulfils the requirements for the forms, intended use and for the other work stages to get there. You are only telling one thing, that it needs to be suitable for subdivision surface,

so the topology is not good.

Can’t speak to your ‘efficiency’ since I don’t know your work flow, but it appears that you are trying to create one of those wooden artist manikins. If this is the case, each part (thigh, calf, joint, torso, etc) is intended to be a solid, non-deforming block, which moves around the ball joint connecting it to some other part.

In this case, ‘good topology’ would mean the minimum amount of vertices and an edge flow needed to hold the shape. I will further assume you are adding a subdivision surface modifier to ‘smooth it out’ because you aren’t happy with the parts’ boxy shape. To get a rounder shape under subdivision surfaces, try removing edges.

I’m really not at all clear why you want to make your mesh more high poly, unless someone is paying you by the vertex. If you are just doing it for brownie points, be advised most modelers consider a mesh with the fewest vertices to model a given shape to be ‘better’ than a mesh with more verts.

If you want more specific advice, show us a photo or drawing of what your goal is, or a screen shot of what the subdivided mesh looks like, with circles and arrows drawn on it pointing out the bits you are unhappy with (a good paint program that supports layers, like Krita or Gimp, will let you mark up screenshots.)

Welcome to BlenderArtists :smiley:

Damn laggy ISPs (mandatory 10 character post)

from looking at it, i’m not sure why the subsurface modifier is messing it up, but if you supply the file we can have a look.
you can upload it here:

The Point of having good Topology is to make Movement in a Model look natural. Thus you basically have to mimic the outer Muscles.
If you just plan on having Still images you can get away with not so ideal topology. Might still be troublesome to pose. If it is easier for you to
Model it this way, you can retopologies afterwards. There are tons of Tutorials out there, about Topology, and about Retopo.

Look at this to get you started…

jakhir95, it’s bad form to post the same question in two different threads. When a moderator sees it, he’ll probably close one of them. In the other thread, JA12 has a link (in his sig line) to an excellent post on how to ask questions here to get the most useful answers. I’d suggest you read through it, and either add to this thread, or the other one, but not both.

Threads merged.

jakhir95, Please only use one thread. I take it you haven’t bothered to read the forum FAQ at the top of the forum.

I’m no pro modeller but shouldn’t all the quads be even?

Not necessarily.

You build the mesh to suit the intended use. If you are making a static model, say, a soda can, you can use long rectangles up the side of the can, and smaller rectangular quads where the can curves at the bottom and top, without any problem.

Making all the quads even is a rule of thumb for organic models you intend to animate, but even there, it depends on the amount of detail you have to build into the mesh (fingers will have smaller quads than heads, heads will have smaller quads than torsos…)

Some shapes produce render artifacts, other shapes deform oddly when posed. You tend to learn what these are through experience, as you’ll also learn when they don’t matter.