Isometric floating town/city

Hi! I’ve made this in my free time:

Rendered in cycles somewhere about half of a minute. It’s my first try to get isometric look. I would like to know what you think about it and how could I improve this. Thanks!

Very nice!!! A bit simple, but I wouldn’t try to complicate it. I really like it! Is it supposed to be a city or mountains? If a city, perhaps put a bridge over the start of the water.

I’ve added trees and stones around it. Bridge sounds nice. I’ll post it here when I’ll go home. It’s a city (mentioned it in the title)

Here it is!

hmmm looks good, and as suggested id also agree on the bridge.

and maybe add some blacks dots to buildings being windows, not to many though, just enough to make them a tad different so they look a bit more like buildings instead of rocks.

a tiney red car somewhere on the roads would also give it a bit more… something… try it, the red dot will probaly liven up the place :wink:

It’s complicated to make windows because of my trianglish topology, but I’ll do it. Thanks for the feedback!

Looks amazing! Definitely a great project! You could do a texture for the windows.

Thanks for the reply, I know everything what was shown in the video. I haven’t made the resolution squared because I wouldn’t be able to get a nice view on the backround which is important in my render.

i would add some windows to the buildings. nice idea though :);):D!

Thanks! Maybe I’ll do that in my free time.

if you want to keep the triangle look, would the triangulate modifier work?

A lot of stuff to then anyway, now I’ll add windows just later since I don’t have much free time.
I’ve added some cars for the street too. Now yes triangulate would work but why such trouble? I could just add textures.


there are 2 new blobs, but i cant see that theyre cars, they look like tipped pools…
for the cars, you could just use triangulate+subsurf+box modeling

Maybe I’ll scale them, they look quite nice tough. I’ve added even bolts for wheels.

oh i see the blobs were trucks! sorry.
looking good!

Thank you!

This is Splendid Work!! I love this small city!!
When you get a chance, smooth the water, just to give it a less boxy look. Because to be honest, once you do that this picture in my opinion will look complete! GREAT WORK, KEEP IT UP!!
I love the small trees that you placed around, that is a highly creative detail!
The rocks outside of the ground is another awesome detail, that makes this look realistic!

FAWSEntertainer, at first I wanted to make a water simulation for the river, but due to some technical difficulties I couldn’t (glitches). I’ll make it softer near the edges, probably I’ll use bevel. Thank you for your reply I relly appreciate it!