Isometric graphics: City Island 2

Hi everybody!
Not so long ago an android game called “City Island 2” was released @Google Play and finally I’m able to share a couple of images showing some of my progress.

I’ve been working on different city building games for the last 2-3 years and I must say that the task itself to create an isometric building isn’t that complicated in a matter of modeling or texturing than it is in creating the whole product quickly- to beat the deadlines most of the items had to be done in a 3 hours. During the period of 6 months we created about 600 items.

My role as a lead artist in this project was to create a visual concept based on a prequel, keep every item within this concept, organise the workflow for other team members and besides that I had to work with each aspect of visuals, since we are a really small team, that means I designed not only the buildings, but also the icons, buttons, windows and of course the splash screen.

I hope that you’ll enjoy my artwork and please feel free to share your comments!
To see more images, you can visit my portfolio @Behance or you can visit my artblog(I already apologise for being lazy on writing on regular basis, but I will try to provide more in depth info about the project quite soon)

wow. lovely. How exactly did you positioned the camera to get the right angle for isometric perspective?

kohg- Thank you! Well, I believe that it isn’t 100% correct isometric view, because the angles I’m using differ from the original ones, but the main rule was that the ground plane have to be 2:1 in scale(2 units wide, 1 unit high), that means camera must be rotated along X:60, Y:0, Z:45 and of course lens have to be set to orthographic.

I see, i’ll have to try that method. Was this rendered in cycles btw? or BI?

kohg- for all of my projects I’ve been using BI, however for the next one I’m thinking of switching to cycles. :slight_smile:

Nice job, and congrats on the game.

Steve S

Awesome stuff, really like your cartoony style.

Awesome !!! nice to see some profesionals using Blender.

Thank you, guys! Soon I will finish another isometric buildings project, after that I’m definitely sharing some time-lapse video. :slight_smile:

looking forward for that

Very, very nice!! The graphic style is just gorgeous. It’s pure eye candy. :slight_smile:

It took me a while to spare some time for this, but here you go- a modeling timelapse for one of the upcoming buildings in City Island 2!

Enjoy and feel free to share your comments on this one! :slight_smile:

Awesome style! Like it :smiley:

inspiring work

Nice work and Very cool timelapse! Forgive my ignorance on game design, but is your final deliverable to them 3d models or a set of 2d images?

Thank you, guys!

jordancolburn-> at least for now we don’t have the need for 3d models in-game, since we don’t use a perspective view or any other feature specific to 3d. Anyway, thanks for appreciating my work on the timelapse! :wink:

Fantastic little worlds! The time lapse video was enthralling. Do you create these from hand-drawn sketches?

Thanks, dunn! It depends, when I have to share the progress images with other team members, I create accurate sketches in photoshop, so that everything is clear to anyone, but since we have a 2d artist, then I don’t have to bother so much about providing a great concept, instead I can create a messy set of lines just for myself and do the modeling, texturing and all the other stuff.
Sometimes I just skip the concept part and get straight into the modeling. I simply imagine how the final result should look and I go for it, but I also have to say that working without at least a simple sketch could lead into a frustration, because of a poor layouting or similar basic mistakes.
The bottom line is that I create the sketches in all the possible mediums, it doesn’t matter whether you choose a pen and paper, tablet and photoshop, set of cubes,cylinders and blender, but it’s a good thing to have at least a thought in your mind about the final result. Hope it helps! :slight_smile:

Awesome work on all of these. And congrats on the game!!! That is so cool!!! I love the style.

I wanna play, I wanna play!
Brilliant work! it is super colorful and will most likely attract MANY gamers!!!
It also bring out the awesome things one can do with the game engine!! I’m study trying to learn how to be good with it! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!