Issue with IK Constraints

This is the problem that I’m experiencing.


I’m struggling to find a way to a have the lower arm bend forwards naturally without any horizontal movements. I’ve tried locking the IK axises, but the arm will usually end up flat. When I make the upper arm bone connect with the top of the arm, this fixes the problem, but creates unwanted complications. I want the arm to rotate around the shoulder like a hinge, but it ends up detached rotating in open space.

Does anyone have any solutions or suggestions?

Hi - welcome to the forums.

Looks like a Bone Roll issue. Turn on the Axes of the Bones here…
Show Axes
…and then check the Bone Roll. Adjust the Roll for every bone that needs fixing.
Bone Roll
The X axis needs to point along the line where the bone will rotate - to make the bone correctly bend. As you can see in the second image - the bone will rotate toward or away from the Z axis.

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