Issue with quick smoke effect

So, I want to create wheel smoke with smoke quick effect. I’ve selected the wheel and added to it quick smoke effect. Then, I apply all transforms to the box and went to the physics tab, where I set the first frame to 1 and the last frame to 80. I’ve baked my simulation, but it works a bit strange. The simulation almost doesn’t appear from 1 to 80 frames, but as you can see on my screen shot, after 80 frame it appears very well. I don’t know how to fix this problem, please help me.

It looks like the volume becomes very visible after the simulation, because in the absence of data, the whole volume appears filled. When the smoke is happening, only the areas where the smoke is would have the volume shader in them.

If your volume is this transparent when it’s completely filled, the smoke material must be too transparent. You should go in the smoke’s material and increase the volume’s density so it’s thicker and easier to see.

My apologies for the late reply. So, I’ve increased the volume density and now, it looks well during the baked animation. But there is still an issue with the filling up of the smoke domain with black smoke after simulation.

That is to be expected. The solution is simply to deactivate the domain’s render visibility after the simulation has ended.

Hi, use adoptive domain and dissolve time:

This won’t help if you go outside the baked range.

For that you can keyframe the density from 4200 to 0.


I understand, that I can animate volume density parameter by the @digitvisions method. But you suggested the another way to solve this issue, by animating the domain’s render visibility thus: set the first key frame during the simulation to enabled value and then, set the second key frame after the simulation to disabled value. Did I understand you right?

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I’m faced with another trouble: I baked the simulation from the 1 to 30 frame. So, when I play it the first time, it works well, but the second time smoke domain becomes filled from the first frame. Here are the settings of baking.

That’s exactly it.

In this image, you are on frame 0, but the bake starts on frame 1. Does the render include frame 0? If it doesn’t, you are good.

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Yeah, It’s my inattention. So simple solution…
Thank you for the solution about strange behavior of the smoke after simulation. I really appreciated it!

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