Issues modeling an apple :P

So I was modeling an apple, mostly for the Unofficial Texturing Tutorial, and just for practice. I started with the default cube, and used multires to subdivide it. Then I just sculpted and dragged. It wasnt until the end that I realized I have 4 ugly points where the original vertices were i suppose. Later I tried with Icosphere, and that had some strange bumps and such. What have I done wrong?


That just happens when you’ve got a vertex with three edges attached (as opposed to four). You could try flattening the area a bit, but there’s nothing that really can be done about it. That said, you probably won’t notice once you have a texture going on.

or you could keep sculpting and then retopologize it with only quads…

He started from a cube, it is only quads. The only kind of mesh where you don’t have poles is on a plane, but that’s hardly an ideal base to sculpt apples from :stuck_out_tongue: .

oh i get it now…
in this case, it might be better to start from a uv sphere since the poles are gonna be hidden at the ends…

but yeah, if he’s gonna texture it, it wouldn’t matter that much because the texture will hide the artifact somewhat…

Ugh, thank you, I should have just have used a uvsphere. It wasnt exactly difficult to make, so Ill just redo it if it shows up past the texture. Is a uvsphere ideal for this?