Issues rigging a hand

Hi guys, I’m having some issues trying to rig a hand mesh. I’m relatively familiar with how rigging and animation goes. But for some reason this issue is beyond me.

After I apply automatic weights to this mesh, the deforms are just bizarre and the weight painting is even stranger. The index-finger deforms the ring-finger but misses the middle and other things like that.

Tutorials on hands I’ve seen, show people applying Auto-weights and it all deforms correctly. I’m in blender 4.1. but the same happens in 3.6. The mesh has default scale and rotation, and so does the armature. The only constraint modifiers are for the finger rotations

I’m totally confused, as I have never come across this before. Automatic weights, while not perfect and occasionally needing a clean up here and there, have never produced anything like this.

I can weight this mesh manually, but it is a lot or work, and it doesn’t solve the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated guys!

Hi, this is usually happens when using the Automated wight painting. you need to learn how to use the manual weight painting by selecting each vertex group and checking that the wights corresponds to the right bone.
You will find on line large amount of tutorials relating to the weight painting.
Here is one link:

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Hey thanks for the quick response. I’m know weight painting quite well, I’ve created whole animated characters before with no issue. Using Automated weights usually does require you go through all the groups to make sure everything lines up.

My issue is, I’ve never seen Automated weights go so wrong, there’s whole bones missing, the fingers on different sides of the hand are painted together. Ive never seen this before. Have i just been lucky all of these years?

You’ve gone through the “standard” things, checking face orientation, removed doubles, and none of the bones accidentally got set to NonDeform?

If none of that helped, you could try deleting all the vertex groups and reparenting with auto weights. No idea why, but last time I had a similar issue that fixed it.

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I think I did all that, but I’ll check again just to be sure. Thanks man.

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I have no idea what I did. I tried unbinding the armature and reapplying it several times, and nothing. Then all of a sudden it worked. I swear to GOD I didn’t change any settings. Just compare this image with the first one.

I suspect this was a mesh issue, as the grease pencil was also having a hard time drawing an outline around it.

Regardless, thanks to both of you for your input. Excellent community.

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Some reasons for the problem:

  • Mesh problem - scale, location, rotation, etc

  • Modifier - multi res ( this was my case)
    The fingers vertices had moved while sculpting so much that the vertices were not aligning with the base mesh.

Even when bones are properly aligned with multi-res mesh - Wrong weight on fingers
Bone aligned without multi-res - Correct weight on fingers.