Issues to extract the texture with color

Hey guys. I’m beginner so my topic may not be related to the real problem here.
Basically I’m trying to create a skin to test in Counter Strike 2. I import the ak-47 object and I disassembled piece by piece, after that I colored them with 2 colors (copper and dark) classifield as a “material”. Then I join all the already colored pieces in a single object as the beggining. In this moment, I’m trying to get the image texture (like the blueprint) of the skin carrying the 2 colors I used. What should I do?

Welcome :tada:

…you have to bake this onto a texture image… best thing…
Simplest workflow would be to add a new material; with the node wrangler addon enabled select the Pprinciple shader node (or if you have choosed so the Diffused… ) ; just add the complete setup ( Crl-T) generate a new image in your wanted size; check if this image is selected (should eb th eonly one); select cycles rendere and back…

You may want to have look at See also Docs-Blender Manual: Baking…… or any Tutorial on YT like for example:

( Hello @RyanKingArt :wave: just linking one of your tut’s… again… :thinking: …didn’t do this for a while… :wink: :laughing: )


Cool, hope the tutorials help! However, that baking tutorial you linked, with the dragon thumbnail, is actually an older tutorial, and I have since then made a better updated Texture Baking for Beginners Tutorial:


You are absolutely right…

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