Issues with uploading a featured image?

@pieriko reported not being able to upload a featured image, but I’m not able to reproduce the issue. Does anyone else have this too? If so, please share steps to reproduce it.


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Here is the error I get

Can you add the image you’re trying to upload here in this thread?

Weird, I have no idea why that isn’t working for you… I tried adding that as the featured image to your listing, and it worked fine :thinking:

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same issue for me. Must be a privelages issue.

@pieriko and @Michael_Campbell - which browsers do you use?

I use the chrome on windows 10

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Do you happen to have another browser too, like Firefox? Could you try? That would give us another hint to zoom in on.

I’m afraid I only have chrome. Would prefer to not install another.

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That’s ok, no worries.

I just tested in Brave + Firefox on Linux and still can’t reproduce the issue.

@joseph do you happen to use Chrome/Windows?

I can now reproduce in Chrome 118/Linux too.

Works for me with Chrome 118, Windows

I think it’s tied to the ‘contributor’ role - which login did you use for testing?

What I’ve learned so far:

  • Uploads always succeed as admin users
  • Uploads of files > 1280x720 have a change of failing as contributor users

I’m stumped why this would be, but it’s getting late and I have to call it a day. I’ll attack this with a fresh brain tomorrow :slight_smile:

I’ll look into it- I’ve tested uploads as an author and a contributor and they always work :man_shrugging:t3: It does seem like higher than 1280 is a problem though?

Yeah, either image dimensions or file size, I’m not sure yet. But anything below that size seems fine.

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This issue is fixed.

Some background and a note to future me: I debugged every step of the Ajax process (and learned a lot :wink: ) and found that the One User Avatar plugin added an upload file size restriction to any non-admin media uploads (not just the user avatars). I bumped the ‘’ Upload Size Limit (only for Contributors & Subscribers) ’ setting to 16MB (our server’s max) 5MB to allow all file uploads.

@pieriko could you also try again please?


It worked :slight_smile:

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hey Bart,

It’s really weird that Blenderartist,blendernation, and now Blenderbazaar have different image size requirements.
gifs are mostly exported lower resolution because high-resolution gifs are bigger in size .

It’s not a really big deal but if you could just remove the minimum size requirement from bazaar at least the gifs it would make life easier. even blendermarket suports low res gifs and gumroad as well.

thank you