It is all a dream anyway

Hello! This is the FIRST artwork I’ve posted on the blender community or any social media for a fact. The inspiration behind this artwork is to remind me how inconsequential everything is. I feared putting myself out there through my artwork because it felt like I was allowing myself to be openly judged by everyone. But I have learned to let that go and I hope I give my 100% to this page and build the best and most enthusiastic community the world has ever seen! It is all a dream anyway!

My socials:
Instagram -
Youtube -


This is a great start, welcome to BA :slight_smile:

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Thank you soo much! :heart::sparkles: I went through your portfolio and I saw your artwork ‘The Last Great Downtown Hotel in Bludhaven, at Sunset’ made using geometry nodes, it is phenomenal! :star_struck: Hoping to learn a lot from you :muscle:t3::raised_hands:t3:

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