It is not possible to bind the "plane" to the "path" curve

Hello, I’m new to blender.
When creating a road, I encountered such a problem.
I’m creating a “Path” curve, editing it to fit the road. Then I create a “Plane”, add the “Array” and “Curve” modifiers to it and bind it to the curve in the “Curve” modifier. When changing the value of “Count” in the “Array” modifier, a piece of road stretches not along a curve, but generally in the other direction.

Please tell me how to fix it

Add a curve (I added a Curve Circle and changed it to Bezler ) then shape the road …

Add a Plane, scale down as needed ( Use pop-up to scale )
To the Plane add a subdivision modifier, and use simple…
Add an array Modifier…set to Fit Curve and select your Road Curve…
Add a curve Modifier and reference your road curve…

If that is done in that order, then most of the defaults in the modifiers will work just fine…


Welcome :tada:

you might have disabled some modifier ? Have a look at this ( using the slider you see the difference; i added some offset to see the individual planes better ) :

everything is done exactly the same, but it’s still a problem!

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer. For example with precise screenshots (showing the actual parameters or maybe even a blend file… :person_shrugging: