It's a bird...It's a it's...!

…SUPERbanana! I’m still deciding as to what else to add to him. maybe some arms and legs.


you could have the front most section peeled down so it looks like a tuft of hair over his bandanna.

wow i’m loving it :smiley:
maybe you can add a speechbubble : “don’t use me as a phone” or an animation with banaphone as background sound and at the end superbanana will say " stop that annoying sound":smiley:

give him a bandanna!

very nice banana. Texturing is good. Eyes are looking good. Good work.

fine job.
But isn’t it more of a teenage mutant ninja banana?

Silly and lol-inducing for sure.

Thanks guys, I gave him a mouth with which to make clever banter while he subdues evil.


“This is 29 Accacia Road, and this is Eric the schoolboy who leads an amazing double life. For when Eric eats a banana an amazing transformation occurs. Eric is Bananaman. Ever alert for the call to action!”

Nice. What particular superpowers does this banana… er… banana have?

You forgot the cape ;).

If you’ve seen The Incredibles there’s plenty of heroes who met their demise because of their cape:cool:

Nice and origional, needs some sort of banana related power or weapon.

I think the mouth just made it 50 times funnier. XD

He might be able to survive a blender. So does he blend? No, but the blender gets wrecked. I really talking about that evil beast of kitchen machinery ever been seen on planet earth. :evilgrin:

Would he survive the grocery shopper from hell I wonder?

He needs a Chiquita sticker or something…

Yeah I was contemplating giving him a DOLE or Chiquita sticker, here he is with appendages.


Maybe you could make a cape for him with the Chiquata logo on it
looks cool already tho

Hahaha…Cool work, great idea.

It would have been hillarious without arms and legs… like someone else was saying… the boy transforms… then the banana flops over… unable to do anything… except complain that he can’t do anything.

Ohhhhh, the face, the angry look :smiley:
The banana modeling is great.
Now I’m trying to guess what setting you’ll add. (I have ideas of what setting I would add, but shhhh, it’s not my super hero ^^)